Not Good Enough

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    • Not Good Enough

      I don't know where to start.

      I'm new here. I started this because I thought I can help other teens with depression, and that somewhere along the way, I could find help with mine.

      I don't know why, but I can't trust people.

      I just can't. There hasn't been a specific moment of betrayal or any part of my life that would make me feel like this, but I do.

      I want a friend, a real friend I can talk to and tell them how I feel, so that they can help me.

      But then I think that I don't deserve it.

      They're good people, better off than me. They deserve to be happy.

      They don't need my problems burdening their lives.

      So I never tell anyone anything, because I'm not worth it.

      I want to be able to trust people. I want to be able to have a true friend.
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      You deserve it as much as anyone, honest.
      A true friend will be happy to be supportive whenever you need it, and you're definitely worth it. You deserve support and a genuine friend as much as anyone else, and people won't dislike the fact you're talking to them about your issues, not those that are true friends. Have you not had many true friendships before? Makes sense for this to make you have trust difficulties.
      If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me:)
      Happy to listen.
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      Believe it or not, I feel all of us think this about ourselves at least some point in our lives. I can definitely understand where you're coming from. I've always felt so different from my friends and family and I tend to push others away simply out of fear. It gets hard with every given day, but I'm lucky that individuals in my life don't want to give up on me. And for that I am thankful. But, like you, I feel I don't deserve it.

      Please know that you can reach out to me at any time. I will listen. I will help you.

      Please take care :)
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      It isn't that you don't trust people, you don't give the appearance of trust issues, your issue is self-depreciation. As noted, you feel that everyone is more important than you are and thus it isn't that you can't trust another person it is that you can't overcome how low you feel.

      Perhaps you need to look at life from another perspective. I was discussing with a friend recently how helping people is a selfish reason and society is built upon crossing the needs of individuals. If you are not utilizing society, telling your problems, helping yourself, than you are not functioning correctly. By not being selfish and looking for a friend to tell your problems to you're being more selfish.

      If in a situation where your need is catered to by another you will end up being "normal." When you're normal you benefit society. When you're "abnormal," that is not functioning psychologically so don't confuse it with dressing differently, you are unable to tend to your role and responsibilities within society. it is through the act of being selfish that you fulfill your role within society, that you in turn prove your own worth as a human being. By disconnecting yourself from society you are refusing to allow yourself to be "fixed," to made to feel better, and as your depression spreads it will negatively impact not just you but those around you. Thus, not only do you deserve to have someone care for you but everyone else deserves to be given the opportunity to help you.

      I know it is a bit of a weird perspective shift, but that is how society functions. My friend, whom i was speaking with, likes to help other people because she suffers from depression; by viewing their suffering she is able to say, "hey, my life isn't so bad," and thus feel relaxed. I also enjoy helping others to prove that I'm right; by deconstructing one's problems and reconstructing causality I am able to test my theorems through aiding others. Both of us are selfish in what we do, we don't help people for the pure "joy" of helping someone, we help someone because we get a benefit of our own. It doesn't diminish the fact that we help people, what is important is that we do help people and the reasons behind it are moot. Everyone acts like this, they have their own selfish reasons for what they do, they get a benefit from interacting with you. So if you want to help others, if you want to prove your worth, you have to go out and find a friend. Do it because you deserve it, do it because someone else deserves the opportunity, do it because society deserves what you will give it.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      Woodstock wrote:

      I don't know where to start.

      I'm new here. I started this because I thought I can help other teens with depression, and that somewhere along the way, I could find help with mine.

      I don't know why, but I can't trust people.

      I just can't. There hasn't been a specific moment of betrayal or any part of my life that would make me feel like this, but I do.

      I want a friend, a real friend I can talk to and tell them how I feel, so that they can help me.

      But then I think that I don't deserve it.

      They're good people, better off than me. They deserve to be happy.

      They don't need my problems burdening their lives.

      So I never tell anyone anything, because I'm not worth it.

      I want to be able to trust people. I want to be able to have a true friend.

      A True Friend will Look past your Problems or even help you with them, if they can't do that then there not the right friend for you.

      There is a Simple solution to your Trust Problem, and that is to just not Trust them, You will Learn to trust them/people in time.

      Being able to Trust someone means that the person should also Trust you, If they can't do that then there is No Reason to trust them.
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      You deserve friends. Everyone deserves companionship, and, believe it or not, I promise you that all those people who you perceive as too good to be friends with you have their own sets of problems, and are afraid to talk about it. It's okay to be afraid to open up to other people at first. Trust problems can be a result of turmoils in your life (a divorce, loss, etc.) and so your mind naturally builds up a wall, so you won't be hurt again. You have to take down the wall slowly. Make casual friends at first, and after a while you'll realize that you're comfortable enough with them to confide in them, and as they in turn confide in you, you'll find that everyone is messed up in their own way. We're human, nobody's perfect.

      Hang in there, *hugs.* You'll find a friend, and if you ever need to talk you can PM me.

      - Messed up With Friends
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      Friendship isn't about burdening someone. I think when people tell me crap about their lives, they don't burden me. But that I'm glad that they told me at least. So I can help them, by at least getting it out of their system. We should talk. Hit me up.
      [CENTER][SIZE="4"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Teal"]"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you;
      you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."[/COLOR]
      -Bob Marley[/FONT]
    • Re: Not Good Enough

      I know from personal experience that being hurt over and over again can ruin your faith in most people. However, the best thing you can do is take things slow. When you meet new people don't tell them you're entire personal story right away, slowly allow them to earn your trust. Of course you're still going to be hurt from time to time but keep your head up. Eventually you'll have a really close friend or two.