Male 16 and curious

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    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Fuck Fuck Im freaking out guys. He totally avoided me today and when I talked to him he gave a one word reply and went on talking to his friends. The only prob is that is friends are fucking losers so being friends with them his gonna be hard. Help guys I am starting to get really emotionally attracted to him as well as physical. Im obsessing over him. Im hurting so much almost to the point of tears...i think I must be bi. I just wanna kiss him, hes just soo cute (like justin bieber). My school ends in a couple of weeks and if we dont experiment i dont care I just want to be a closer friend to him. I wish he could be more left alone from his friends so I can talk to him properly and further strengthen our relationship.

      Help what should I do?
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Talk to him and jus see if he wants to hang, tell him you gotta buy new shoes and see if he wants to go to the mall.. then waddya kno there's a really awesome action flick you've been dying to see ! Lol theen after the movie see if he wants to stay over and get to know him a bit.. after that just casually stay in touch wit him and after a few time of coming over to hang/stay over, get some booze and see where that takes ya. Idk, Sounds good to me.. Hopes this helps dude! :)
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Aleksandr wrote:

      Why are you not trying to defend yourself Boer?

      It's funny that you post a message on my profile, asking me why I'm not defending myself, but you disabled the ability for users to post messages on your profile.
      So I thought I would just post my response here. So to answer your question: Why on earth would I want to defend myself? I'm having great fun watching you being so immature and idiotic. JohnDoe was doing a good job, but you, you just take the prize.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      People need to shut up on here. I'm new and this guy is asking for honest help and everyone is talking about their own issues on a forum which is supposed to help people out. I don't want to enter this argument I just wanted to bring it to the attention of everyone that this is not right.

      Now, Bender, I'm in a pretty close senario as you. Confused: Don't know if you're gay. Have a crush. Sixteen. Yeah. Don't listen to some of these people. We who are honestly going through this will help each other out. I don't have any advice for you now cause I need the same advice. But anytime you wanna chat, dude. Hit me up. Connor.Hummel And don't think I'm some creeper. I'm just an honest guy wanting answers too. Good luck with your problems at school! And follow your gut. But don't label yourself now. Our lives are crazy now but soon dude, it will calm down.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Tombgeek wrote:

      It's funny that you post a message on my profile, asking me why I'm not defending myself, but you disabled the ability for users to post messages on your profile.
      So I thought I would just post my response here. So to answer your question: Why on earth would I want to defend myself? I'm having great fun watching you being so immature and idiotic. JohnDoe was doing a good job, but you, you just take the prize.

      I wasn't aware of that. I will contact an administrator or moderator immediately to find out the meaning of why it was disabled, though it should work now.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Connor.Hummel wrote:

      People need to shut up on here. I'm new and this guy is asking for honest help and everyone is talking about their own issues on a forum which is supposed to help people out. I don't want to enter this argument I just wanted to bring it to the attention of everyone that this is not right.

      Okay, point taken.
      But I did not start it. Take it up with the person who did.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      hey i would say that after you have one of those moments where your eyes meet or you have a hug thats a little too long to be "no homo" then say casually "i need to go to the bathroom" and then look in his eyes and walk away very slowly. when you get to the bathroom stand at the urinal and if he's interested and takes the hint, he might come in too. if he does just say something like "any reason you're here other than to take a piss?" its worked for me a few times.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Tombgeek wrote:

      1. Science happens to disagree with you.
      2. God does not exist.
      3. There was no Adam and Eve. We evolved from apes (and apes are also known to have homosexual encounters as well). This is one of the cases where Google is your friend.
      4. Okay, if you say so man.

      See, you made me pull out the atheist card, and I did not want to do that. Now you made me look like a prick.

      Seriously troll, if homosexuality disgusts you, why do you bother coming here?
      I bet you are bisexual or :gay:, and you wants to faks with me or one of us but you're feeling guilty. It's okay, we accept you.
      :love1: too

      ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

      I think being a bit more touchy will help. But I think a more romantic hug, because a hug is normally a friendly gesture. So yes, I think be a bit more touchy. See how he reacts to that. If he is okay with it, you might have a chance.
      But personally, I would just casually ask if he was ever bi curious and sort of mention you are.

    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Maybe you have a "man crush" big deal. I'm gay and I've had these random crushes on girls. So what you should do is stop calling him a fag firstly it's not cool and secondly try being friendlier, maybe invite out to the ball game :)

      Good Luck Bro!
      [SIZE=3][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]A Canadian is sort of like an American, but without the gun![/SIZE]
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      how did that play fight end up going. i think you need to take things slow and not totally surprise him with this but if you start hanging out more it should become pretty obvious how he feels. my brother is gay but he doesn't tell anyone not even me but he hooks up with boys, so maybe your friend is a little like that. still a closet case or at least curious.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      At first, I thought you were messing around when you said the 'Justin Bieber' type. I don't know, it's as if I can only take things associated with him as seriously as I take things associated with Chuck Norris.

      I can't tell you why you are into that sort of guy, but I can tell you that I sort of have a similar interest. It could be that he seems like a normal, decent guy. Flamboyancy is often a turn-off, and many guys prefer not dating a stereotype.

      You said that you weren't exactly the closest of friends yet, but you're asking how you can initiate experimentation with him? I think, if you are ever going to ask him to experiment, that it's better if you first become better friends with him. You say that you've been trying, and that's good. But also you said that you've kissed him on the cheeks, acting like you're drunk. I'm not sure about him, but if this sort of slight-intimacy came from a friend I wasn't exactly great friends with, it would make me want to distance myself a little bit. If you want your friendship/relationship/whatever to go any further, I think it's best that you take it slow. I know that it's killing you when you think about him, but it's what you have to do; you can't just rush these things.
      [CENTER]i found jesus
      in a gay bar.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      I'm so curious! What happened? Did you get with him?

      Be straight, get a life.
      Gay is not normal.
      God made Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE!
      Good Luck, just saying my opinion.

      And to this jerk:

      Nothing pisses me off more then people who say this shit. I can not stand it. Why does it matter if its a guy and a guy or a girl and a girl? It's love and you have no control over it. If two people love each other, then they have the same amount of right as anyone else.

      :gay:'s are :welcome: :hugs: :D
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      i'm the samee wayy! i saw on a tv show, 30 rock, where one of the people were "gay for ____" whoever it was. I feel like i'm gay for my best friend, and justin bieber. ya know? maybe one other kid but i don't even really know. im 14, and i'm like into that, i hate that stereotypical thing. i'll go on omegle so i can look for people like JB and my BFF. i go to a sleep away camp with my BFF and i'm totally attracted to girls there. but like, i consider myself straight, but will do anything sexual. i masturbait to justin bieber's face sometimes. idk how to explain it but i'm like, right there with you dude.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      I like your taste in guys, although I think Justin Bieber is a little too boyish for me. I like 'em a little taller. :)

      Anyway, I say have him over, preferrably to spend the night. This is a great time to play games like Truth or Dare or even Strip Poker that can stir these feelings and will give you the answer you need. If it worked for me, I bet it can work for you. ;)
      [SIZE=3]"We're all mad here."[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=2]-The Cheshire Cat [/SIZE]
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Mate its scarey because what your saying sounds exactly like myself. I too have feelings for a guy the same way you do , i have same taste in guys , im ironically homophobic(even tho im bi) and i hate gays who are over feminine. Im starting to accept now that im gay/bi and you seem like your gay/bi as well. Worst thing is no matter how hard you try you cant change :(
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Makis4 wrote:

      Be straight, get a life.
      Gay is not normal.
      God made Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE!
      Good Luck, just saying my opinion.

      Adam and Steve was a prototype design, but Steve was scrapped for Eve because even thought it was going to cost Adam a rib, God was having problems getting Steve and Adam to have children. Who knows why. :rolleyes:

      (Just fyi, I don't mean to offend those who are gay or bi, just pointing out some obvious holes in this logic)
      [CENTER][LEFT]People aren't chocolate. But do you know what they are? Bastard-coated bastards with a bastard filling. -Dr. Cox, Scrubs.[/LEFT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TuckingFypo ().

    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Makis4 wrote:

      Be straight, get a life.
      Gay is not normal.
      God made Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE!
      Good Luck, just saying my opinion.

      well, let's put it this way.
      he's gay.

      and you beleiee man was made form dirt in a magical garden by an supernatural being who did wholly out of 'love'. And then, he ate a fruit and damned himslef with eternal death, and so the supernatural being took until 33 b.c. to make a sacrifice of his 'son' so that he could redeem man, even though he is all-powerful and could have done this much more painlessly.

      i usually don't hate on religion, but he was asking for it.