does it matter if he's 'cool' or not?

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    • does it matter if he's 'cool' or not?

      please help me.
      there's this boy that i've been talking to, he's made it very clear that he's interested in me. i thought i only liked him as a friend, but i was going through some tough times and he comforted me a lot.
      i've now realised i think i like him too, and he asked me to go out with him the other day. i told him i'd think about it because there's one thing that's playing on my mind still.

      he's not the most popular boy, or the one everyone wants to be friends with. he also has autism, but you wouldn't think it to look at him. i used to be bullied and i'm very vulnerable in school and society etc if i do something 'uncool'.

      so my question is, should it matter if i go out with someone who isn't considered that cool? i didn't used to think it did but now i'm scared people will take the piss. please can anyone give me some advice?
      and please don't say i'm shallow or anything for even questioning this, i think that too and i don't need to be told :)
    • Re: does it matter if he's 'cool' or not?

      You obviously like him for who he is! Don't have no second thoughts about it. That is my view; on a more serious note.

      Girls often complain that the boy they with is stupid and immature and flirts with everyone etc. etc. most girls want a decent boyfriend who can comfort them through hard times and isn't going to use them. To me it sounds like you have found someone who has already helped you through a difficult time or two; you must be close so why not give a relationship a chance? You will never know if you don't try.

      Hope this helped.
    • Re: does it matter if he's 'cool' or not?

      Forget about what everyone else is going to think. It's your life and if you want to be with him, be with him. If you can't get past the fact that he's 'uncool', then I don't think you should be in a relationship. You can't let what other people may think affect your decisions. Whether he's "cool" or "uncool" doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel about him and whether or not you want to be with him.
    • Re: does it matter if he's 'cool' or not?

      Well think about it, what makes someone "cool" is because they do the "cool" thing, if that thing that makes you cool is being a jackass then would you then go out with him? When i think that someone is cool it is because there is a quality about them in my book that i think it cool. Yea my book, everyone got one and you aught to read it some time and figure out what are the things that you think are cool.

      Now in a lot of schools people will 420 because it is the cool thing to do. Well i do it but because i like it and not because it is the cool thing to do, actually i don't think anyone knows. But if someone did it like me because they wanna do it and not because they are being pushed or wanna fell cool then they actually are cool in my book because they have a mind of there own.
    • Re: does it matter if he's 'cool' or not?

      I think it's quite obvious from what everyone else has said, that labels do not matter. But I understand what you are saying by how it may affect you.
      You're vulnerable and that's normal. A lot of people care about that sort of thing, and it's not as easy as "I don't care what other people think" all the time. It can be accomplished though. If people do make fun, or judge, you just have to keep thinking of how the guy makes you feel. Does he make you happy? Do you to go well together? Just think about those answers. They should be what makes your decision.

      And honestly, at my school, people don't really judge you for who you date all that much. If you just say to people how great the guy is, they respect your decision in being with them. It's not like you're different for who you go out with.

      Just think about how you feel about him, and what you want for now. Think about how people will treat you if it happens. And if it does, like I said, just think about how you like it, and it should make you feel better about it all.
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