How do you take control in a relationship?

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    • How do you take control in a relationship?

      I've never been "dominant" in a relationship, and I'm not entirely sure how to be. Thing is, I need to be now because I want my current relationship to work more than anything. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can become more dominant? I don't mean this in an, "omg I need to control my bf" kind of way. But I don't contribute enough to the relationship, and I really need to. Thing is, I'm not really sure how to do that... So how do I take control? :confused:
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JoBro ().

    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Yes, exactly... I've never been in a serious relationship before this, and, even though it's been a year, I'm still trying to figure it out. I was always under the impression that relationships were hard work sometimes, but I never knew what that work was.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      I don't like to view relationships as one having dominance over the other, usually when it comes to that it tends to ruin the image of a 'partnership'. It's always better having mutual respect for your spouse, things are always less rocky that way.

      It's not a matter of having control over a certain situation, yet learning how to work together on the issue at hand. Obviously, there's going to be those times where that nasty little monster of "who's right and who's wrong" pops up however, in the long run those are things you learn to accept as a couple and learn to work out, too.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raylan Givens ().

    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      ^ Yeah, and she should be making sandwiches in order to work harder in the relationship right? :thumbdown:

      I think you should focus on what you can do in the relationship that Kevin does that you don't. Think about all the things he does which he considers the "work" of the relationship, and how you could try and do the same for him a little bit more.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Girls dont control, but infact they follow. Girls never lead, infact they like being lead which should be reason why you've never been dominant in your relationship. My advice is to dont even try being controlling, because if by chance you begin to control your guy, and he does indeed get controlled, you'll get bored. I know you're trying to say that you dont mean to control him or something, but you're actually ARE looking for ways to control, yes.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      I agree with Cade.
      And WTH is wrong with you sexist and mysoginic people???

      My opinion is that if you don't contribute enough, you shoul start contributing more. Sounds stupid, I know, but what else?
      Idk how does that work in long distance but in short distanec it can be - you ask him out, you make plans for weekend, where to go and what to do, you bring movie to watch, you ask him to go in theater with you....
      Of course, you accept some of his ideas too. But you should also contribute.
      Once again, Idk how to do that in L-D. Idk exactly what do you do? Hang out on skype? Do same thing at the same time?
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Mayank wrote:

      Girls dont control, but infact they follow. Girls never lead, infact they like being lead which should be reason why you've never been dominant in your relationship. My advice is to dont even try being controlling, because if by chance you begin to control your guy, and he does indeed get controlled, you'll get bored. I know you're trying to say that you dont mean to control him or something, but you're actually ARE looking for ways to control, yes.

      No, I'm not looking to control him. I hate controlling people. I know what it's like to be manipulated and controlled by someone, and I don't like it at all. I want to find a way so we contribute to the relationship equally, instead of just him leading.

      I don't want to control him, I want this to be more even, and to do so, I need to take a bit more control, because as of now, I just let things go with the flow.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JoBro ().

    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Try to make more decisions in the relationship. It could help a lot. Even little things like deciding on where to go out to eat. I think what you want is to be more decisive, and I understand how you don't want to be "controlling". Be the one who reminds the other that an important anniversary is coming up. If you have a problem in the relationship, bring it up to the person in a calm way. Little things too like you being the one who initiates hand holding, kissing, etc. Open doors for him, make him cook (:p), all of those things could be employed.

      Hope this helps. :)
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      i'm usually the kind of person who likes to be in control and lead, but i would not like to be that person in a relationship. i just believe that the male should "wear the pants" or be the dominant one, not the female. of course we'll make some decisions together but for the most part i don't want everything left up to me. i like a man who isn't afraid to step up and take control.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Kaitlin wrote:

      i'm usually the kind of person who likes to be in control and lead, but i would not like to be that person in a relationship. i just believe that the male should "wear the pants" or be the dominant one, not the female. of course we'll make some decisions together but for the most part i don't want everything left up to me. i like a man who isn't afraid to step up and take control.

      For the most part, I'm the same way, but I've come to realize that it's not a good thing for one to be more dominant than the other. I'm just not sure where to find the happy medium.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      I know, what I'm asking is how I can find that balance, because I don't do enough right now.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Can we please get back on topic? I didn't make this topic so people could talk about sexism or who should have more dominance in a relationship.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      Hm, well I'm not too sure that there is any specific advice anybody can give you because we're obviously not the ones in the relationship or knowledgeable enough about your relationship to do so, but as it's been mentioned before just try to be a little more bold with your actions. Be the first to call/text. Make dates, set times... etc.
    • Re: How do you take control in a relationship?

      JoBro wrote:

      I've never been "dominant" in a relationship, and I'm not entirely sure how to be. Thing is, I need to be now because I want my current relationship to work more than anything. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can become more dominant? I don't mean this in an, "omg I need to control my bf" kind of way. But I don't contribute enough to the relationship, and I really need to. Thing is, I'm not really sure how to do that... So how do I take control? :confused:

      If you're worried about contribution, then try and put forth effort into your relationship. You do not need to have control in a relationship, because a relationship should be equal effort. Both persons should be able to contribute as much into it as the other person. Otherwise, it's not fair if one person does so much work while the other person slacks off.
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