pressure for sex, inability to orgasm and a much more experienced partner... help?

    • pressure for sex, inability to orgasm and a much more experienced partner... help?

      what's happenin', forum? (=3 reference, yo.)

      so i've been with my boyfriend for almost three months. i'm almost 16 and he just turned 18. he, however, is much more sexually experienced than i am, though he's been celibate for a few years out of boredom/laziness (i can account for the fact that he's had plenty of hot girlfriends in that time, it's just him.)

      we make out and fool around when i'm at his house. he's very much focused on my pleasure over his, but i can't orgasm. we've done plenty of foreplay, with lots of dry humping and fingering, but i find myself faking every time. it feels good, so i make sounds, but i never actually come.

      it's not that he's not good in bed - i know several girls that have done "stuff" with him in the past, and he's definitely very experienced, so i'm thinking it's me. however, i don't really want to go all the way yet. he's always trying to get my pants off and such, but i stop him. i figured that if i seem to enjoy fooling around so much, he wouldn't actually feel the need to fuck me, as he's really not that interested in it for himself. instead, he thinks i want it so bad and is always trying to convince me to go all the way for my own pleasure. he thinks the only reason i'm refusing is to hold onto my virginity because of my parents, but really i just don't want to lose it this young, and this early in the relationship. also, i'm intimidated by his experience; i haven't really done anything sexually before this, so i'm afraid of not measuring up to his past girlfriends/quick fucks. he knows i'm not experienced, and is happy to "play with me", because, as he says, getting people off is his thing. i feel guilty that it's so one-sided, when i'm not even actually reaching orgasm.

      i'd like to at least bring him some enjoyment, but again, blowjobs or handjobs would be a first for me, and he's very experienced. i'm just not sure exactly what to do, and i want it to be good for him.

      i suppose this isn't a very particular question, more of a vent, but general opinions on the situation would be great. thanks.
    • Re: pressure for sex, inability to orgasm and a much more experienced partner... help

      Has he been hitting your g-spot when he fingers you? Have you guys tried different positions? Honestly, I'm the same way when it comes to getting pleased, it'll feel good, but not good enough for me to have an orgasm. Can you bring yourself to orgasm? If so, then you might want to show him what you do, and what makes you feel good. I used to blame myself too, but in reality, its not you. I can bring myself to orgasm, just not with someone else, so I know its possible, its just a matter of finding the right combination of things that pleasure you.

      One thing I can tell you for experience, is to not let him pressure you in to losing your virginity. My last boyfriend pressured me all the time for sex, even though I kept telling him I wasn't ready. I wasn't sure he was the one, I wasn't sure I was ready, etc etc. I regret it so much to this day, even though I thought it was right at the time. If you're uncomfortable in the situation, or with him constantly pressuring you, TELL HIM. He may not know how he's making you feel. If he keeps pressuring you, let him know that he needs to stop, or you tow may not work out in the relationship. I know from experience that even though it seems like a little thing right now, it'll lead to other issues in the relationship, best to address it now while you can.

      As for being intimidated, I know it may be hard to get over, but you can't let that effect how you feel right now. If you do, then while you're pleasing him, thats all you'll be able to think about. Read some tips online on how to please him better, then try it out. While you're doing it, ask him if it feels good, if theres anything he wants you to do differently. Have him show you what he likes also.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: pressure for sex, inability to orgasm and a much more experienced partner... help

      well i kinda know where your coming from. I had this same exact problem with my girlfriend, she was a lot more sexually experienced than me (no shes not a slut she never cheated on her previous boyfriends (except once when the guy made out with a girl then she made out with another guy)) BUT anyway like i was saying during that time i was so pressured to get an erection i couldn't lol, so then i just told myself forget what she wants im gonna just have fun and then it all fell into place. Dont think about having to preform for their sake just have fun.

      As for losing your virginity, thats a tough one being a guy its what were suppose to do as early as possible. But you need to ask yourself, do you trust this guy, do you truely love him? if you trust him and love him then i dont really see the problem. but thats just what i think.
    • Re: pressure for sex, inability to orgasm and a much more experienced partner... help

      Linda - i dunno, honestly. i'm not experienced, like i said, and i don't masterbate... just not interested. i really don't care that much about orgasm, i enjoy it and i don't mind faking, he finds so much pleasure in my pleasure. but i'm wondering if there's any physical reason i can't.

      when it comes to the pressure thing, i've kind of dug my own grave. he's generally 'too lazy for sex,' as he says, and hasn't actually had sex since he was 13 or 14, though he's done everything else. the thing is, he thinks i want it so badly, since i seem to like everything else so much, and he just thinks i'm being silly and not fucking him because of my parents and such.

      he's my first real boyfriend, i turned down everyone else thus far, even the ones i liked. dunno, just not that interested in dating. he, on the other hand, has had maybe 20 girlfriends and a boyfriend or two. he knows i'm pretty inexperienced, and we're very comfortable with eachother, just being silly and stuff even when in bed.

      i just don't know that i want to lose my virginity at age 15. i keep making excuses to myself, but really, i feel like a slut doing it this early in the relationship, with my first boyfriend, and especially since most of my close friends are virgins. i don't want him to lose respect for me, and i'm worried that he's getting irritated with my excuses, though he always says "i love you and every part of you, even the stubborn little virgin part." :P i don't know, i'm just kind of confused as to what to do in general, as it's really my fault i'm in the situation in the first place.

      Shadowsnip - to be honest, i'm not into the whole stereotypical teen love thing. i'm not going to be naive and say im in love him after 3 months of dating. i love him, but i'm not IN love with him. does that make sense at all?
    • Re: pressure for sex, inability to orgasm and a much more experienced partner... help

      randomme wrote:

      shameless bump... please help?

      Are you looking for someone to tell you if theres a physical reason why you can't orgasm, or what?

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling