my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

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    • my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      so, i was at home with my parents and baby brothers and my sisters Olivia and Tati were on a vacation, i went to their room and opened Olivia's drawer and collected all my socks (because for some reason she has every pair i own:rolleyes:) when i noticed a little box in the way back of the drawer. i opened it, out of curiosity and fould a little hand made notebook that said "Max's Journal" at first i thought ohh this must be one of the props from when they play barbies, but as i opened it i noticed that is was written like a diary of one of their dolls. inside every page was dated and i read about a boy amed max who had a girlfriend named ashley and everynight she would sleep over at his house.

      :nono:these "diary" pages included pictures of naked people and ashley "sucking max's weiner" and the word 'humping' was used alot and other shit about sucking boobs.

      i was soooooo stunned:o i didnt even know what to say and i still dont. part of me was so angry at her for even thinking about that stuff when she's so young and the other part was just in shock. for days i didnt say anything to anyone so i thought id ask here for advice on how to talk to her about this.

      i have decided to not tell my mom about it yet because she has enough on her plate. and i didnt wana worry her:(

      so please any suggestions??
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      Unfortunately, I know of someone who's sexuality active and has just passed their 13th birthday. It's insane.

      If you want to talk to her about it, ask her generally - don't make a specific reference to the diary you found. She might know about what sex is, and about sexual acts such as oral, but I doubt she understands what it's all really about.

      You could tell your mum you think your sister could do with 'the sex talk'. Not the proper 'don't get pregnant' talk, but just to give her a bit of information. There's all kinds of crazy rumours kids say about sex when they're that age.

      "I put a capital N on nature and call it my church." ~Frank Lloyd Wright.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      Kids do mature earlier these days and things like this are normal. She's probably at the stage where she's curious about it and it seems she has probably seen something like maybe a picture, porn, or something of that nature. Most likely other kids.

      Probably don't mention the diary, but make sure she doesn't get into any trouble and if she has a boyfriend, keep an eye on what she does. If you do decide to talk to her about sex, try to help her understand it's not something someone her age should be doing, in the best way possible.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      dannym2326 wrote:

      I had sexual thoughts at 12, s'no big deal

      Pretty sure everyone does, and that's obviously normal. =P

      I'd say as long as she keeps this stuff in her fantasies, it's fine, but it's only if you think she may be actually doing those things that you should worry. Definitely tell your mom about it if you discover that your sister is sexually active or if you're suspicious that she might be planning on it.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      It really should be mentioned to her parents and talked about, one day it could be her dolls, the next day it could be her, and dolls don't get STD's, humans do, definitely get her parents(mum is best since she's a girl) and explain it properly, STD's, dangers, protection, etc. It's one thing to be 13 and have unprotected sex, and it's another to have protected sex, even at 13, ideally it would be no sex at that age, but parents work, kids get bored...
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      It's completely normal to be curious about sex at that age. That's often when kids begin to masturbate and/or look at porn simply because they're curious. As well, she may not even really know what she's talking about, she just knows what she hears from other kids at school.

      When I was twelve I used to make my barbies have sex (I just layed them in bed because I knew that that was the only way they'd have a baby. By no means was I interested in having sex, I was just young and curious.

      I wouldn't be worried about it unless you think that she is going to be sexual with somebody.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      I was doing things like that when I was 11. It's just the age where puberty hits, and sexual urges start to kick in.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      It's probably all just on photos and paper, not like she's actually going out in reality doing stuff too young. I agree with everyone else here, i think many preteens are curious and learning more than ever about this stuff so young, it can't be uncommon:p It's understandable for you to be bothered considering how young she is though.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      The MOST important thing is not to make your sister feel embarrassed; try not to let her know you discovered this diary. You have – accidentally – invaded her privacy, and if you damage her trust now, she may simply clam up and feel it's impossible to discuss these thoughts with anyone.

      A week or so I noticed a question about masturbation from a 13 year old girl on this forum, and felt she needed advice; so I did two things. The first was to ask one of the most trusted girls on this forum to contact her; she needed advice from another girl, and as a male I did not feel able to provide the required information.

      The other thing I did was send her a link to the page in Wikipedia which deals with masturbation. The illustrations on that page include two photographs of erections, and one of a satyr masturbating. The reply from the 13 year old proved that these pictures had not bothered her at all; and I'm absolutely sure from her other posts that she's not sexually active.

      The main reason why this site – and others such as Yahoo Answers – exclude pre-teens is that there can be legal complications in giving sexual advice over the internet to younger children. It's not because they don't have sexual thoughts – they do. I was having such thoughts from the age of seven, and I promise you I wasn't sexually active then!

      Children are naturally inquisitive, and with so much porn on the internet it's not surprising that they are finding explicit images quite young.

      With respect – the concept of “sucking boobs” isn't “shit”; it's how all mammals feed their infants; and a beautiful way of expressing love between a man and a woman, in appropriate circumstances.

      I entirely agree that telling your mum wouldn't help. The best way to help your sister is to find ways of bringing these concepts into the open; show her how they can be discussed properly. Knowing the correct terms is a great help – intercourse, oral sex, penis etc. Help her to understand how sex functions as an expression of love between two people.

      Children love animals, so discussing animals mating could help; or the way insects help plants reproduce by pollination.

      You'll have to be very sensitive and gentle about this, but I'm sure it can be done. You now have a wonderful opportunity to help your sister understand sexual concepts within a safe family environment, so make the most of it. When she's thirteen, consider showing her this forum, and see whether she's interested to join. It's often easier to discuss sexual topics anonymously over the internet. Good luck!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MagicDinosaur ().

    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      Every teenage girl starts thinking of sex one day. It's normal. She express herself in an unusual way, but you may have these kind of thoughts when you were older, don't you ?
      Every person express his sexual thoughts in a different way. Some people need to talk about it, some others prefer keep it for themselves, and well... It seems that some people prefer writing this in a diary...

      [RIGHT]:lovey: Jam is the best sister in the world :lovey:
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      justsmile wrote:

      It's completely normal to be curious about sex at that age. That's often when kids begin to masturbate and/or look at porn simply because they're curious. As well, she may not even really know what she's talking about, she just knows what she hears from other kids at school.

      When I was twelve I used to make my barbies have sex (I just layed them in bed because I knew that that was the only way they'd have a baby. By no means was I interested in having sex, I was just young and curious.

      I wouldn't be worried about it unless you think that she is going to be sexual with somebody.

      I used to do this with these pokemon figures I had. -Laughs at self-

      "I put a capital N on nature and call it my church." ~Frank Lloyd Wright.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      jesss wrote:

      so, i was at home with my parents and baby brothers and my sisters Olivia and Tati were on a vacation, i went to their room and opened Olivia's drawer and collected all my socks (because for some reason she has every pair i own:rolleyes:) when i noticed a little box in the way back of the drawer. i opened it, out of curiosity and fould a little hand made notebook that said "Max's Journal" at first i thought ohh this must be one of the props from when they play barbies, but as i opened it i noticed that is was written like a diary of one of their dolls. inside every page was dated and i read about a boy amed max who had a girlfriend named ashley and everynight she would sleep over at his house.

      :nono:these "diary" pages included pictures of naked people and ashley "sucking max's weiner" and the word 'humping' was used alot and other shit about sucking boobs.

      i was soooooo stunned:o i didnt even know what to say and i still dont. part of me was so angry at her for even thinking about that stuff when she's so young and the other part was just in shock. for days i didnt say anything to anyone so i thought id ask here for advice on how to talk to her about this.

      i have decided to not tell my mom about it yet because she has enough on her plate. and i didnt wana worry her:(

      so please any suggestions??


      Ok. So what is the problem? You expect her to never be curious? You expect her to never know what sexual intercourse is? Did you expect her to say, goo gaa all her life?

      First of all, you should not have gotten through her stuff. It is her privacy. Unless it is drug related, then you would have said something. But this was in her drawer in the back. It was private.

      Second of all, how old are you?

      Thirdly, you should keep quiet and if you are older than her, set a good example.

      I really can't go into much detail, because I need to know your age. How old are you?