my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

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    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      I don't think you have anything to worry about. This is just her way of expressing herself. Like so many people have said, kids mature early these days. To be honest, when I was around 7 I would have my barbie and ken have sex when ever I played with them. Sometimes my dolls would have a full blown orgy lol. That didn't mean I was going to jump the first boy that showed me any interest. If you are truly worried then have a talk with her but dont make her feel threatened or she wont open up.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      okkk guys....
      ummm yeah i know i was REALLY over reacting when i wrote this. so sorry if i seemed like reallly worried about it. Its just because with me, when i was that age, yeah i knew about sex but i guess i didnt really pay attention to it...idk maybe im the weird one, but i wasnt like her. i didnt really take time to think about if it was normal at that age, so sorry if i acted a fool :) but i understand and agree with what alot of what you guys wrote, about it being normal at this age, so thanks for helping me understand.

      2nd of all... my mom as many of you might have read, is sick and cant really be there for my she has even told me that i need to be the mom when she cant :( so dont tell me not to look through her stuff. (ANTI CONDOM) because i take care of her and anyways i was getting my stuff out of her drawer. its not like i went in there for the soul purpose of snooping.

      just letting you guys know. :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm urgin' all daughters to kiss they mothers, with those lips that all that lipstick covers, your never to grown up to miss and hug her♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      jesss wrote:

      okkk guys....
      ummm yeah i know i was REALLY over reacting when i wrote this. so sorry if i seemed like reallly worried about it. Its just because with me, when i was that age, yeah i knew about sex but i guess i didnt really pay attention to it...idk maybe im the weird one, but i wasnt like her. i didnt really take time to think about if it was normal at that age, so sorry if i acted a fool :) but i understand and agree with what alot of what you guys wrote, about it being normal at this age, so thanks for helping me understand.

      2nd of all... my mom as many of you might have read, is sick and cant really be there for my she has even told me that i need to be the mom when she cant :( so dont tell me not to look through her stuff. (ANTI CONDOM) because i take care of her and anyways i was getting my stuff out of her drawer. its not like i went in there for the soul purpose of snooping.

      just letting you guys know. :)

      Don't use your mom as an excuse, cuz I can guarantee that you would not like your mom to snoop through your stuff if your mom was in good health. So let us not say things that we both know is untrue. And like I said previously, unless it is drug related, then you can worry and go to the extent of telling your mom. But if it was just sexual curiousity from your sister......then no need to worry. Tootles. Mind you, this is not to be offensive. This is just how I type. I don't BS around. So don't feel offended or anything.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by username #88: mvp was eeeeeere ().

    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      ANTI CONDOM wrote:

      Don't use your mom as an excuse, cuz I can guarantee that you would not like your mom to snoop through your stuff if your mom was in good health. So let us not say things that we both know is untrue. And like I said previously, unless it is drug related, then you can worry and go to the extent of telling your mom. But if it was just sexual curiousity from your sister......then no need to worry. Tootles. Mind you, this is not to be offensive. This is just how I type. I don't BS around. So don't feel offended or anything.

      look buddy.
      im not using my mom as an excuse.
      thats the last thing i would do.
      you have no idea what im going through,
      ok, its not fun to see my mom like this.
      i HAVE to be the mom for my siblings!
      because my mom cant be there right now!
      and if it means dealing with it myself (which i did)
      then hey guess what? thats what im gona do.
      so idgaf what you think.

      AND like I said earlier,
      i was wrong to over react.
      but its not my fault she had MY shit in her drawer.
      i wasnt snooping for the last time.
      if I had HER shit in my drawer i wouldnt be mad if
      she went thru it to get her stuff.
      because it shouldnt be there in the first place.

      but go ahead whatever.
      keep being a little dick behind a keyboard about it.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm urgin' all daughters to kiss they mothers, with those lips that all that lipstick covers, your never to grown up to miss and hug her♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      jesss wrote:

      look buddy.
      im not using my mom as an excuse.
      thats the last thing i would do.
      you have no idea what im going through,
      ok, its not fun to see my mom like this.
      i HAVE to be the mom for my siblings!
      because my mom cant be there right now!
      and if it means dealing with it myself (which i did)
      then hey guess what? thats what im gona do.
      so idgaf what you think.

      AND like I said earlier,
      i was wrong to over react.
      but its not my fault she had MY shit in her drawer.
      i wasnt snooping for the last time.
      if I had HER shit in my drawer i wouldnt be mad if
      she went thru it to get her stuff.
      because it shouldnt be there in the first place.

      but go ahead whatever.
      keep being a little dick behind a keyboard about it.

      Calm down. I express myself like this. It is 5AM over here. Relax jessss. No offense intended, I told you.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      Current generations of kids grow up a lot faster and hear more things than ever before. I doubt you have to worry about anything, especially when she's saying 'wiener' still. Regardless, it's not shocking to me.

      A lot of kids say things they don't begin to have comprehension of, they think it's cool and funny. It's a simple as that. Basically it sounds like she's in a stage of picking up more things by word of mouth, some girls can be extra gullible. A majority of girls wait a decent amount of time, fifteen and sixteen years old on average, a little older if not then.

      It will take a lot for her to actually understand and pull the trigger, intimidation and lack of experience plays a bigger role than most people imagine.
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      jesss wrote:

      so, i was at home with my parents and baby brothers and my sisters Olivia and Tati were on a vacation, i went to their room and opened Olivia's drawer and collected all my socks (because for some reason she has every pair i own:rolleyes:) when i noticed a little box in the way back of the drawer. i opened it, out of curiosity and fould a little hand made notebook that said "Max's Journal" at first i thought ohh this must be one of the props from when they play barbies, but as i opened it i noticed that is was written like a diary of one of their dolls. inside every page was dated and i read about a boy named max who had a girlfriend named ashley and everynight she would sleep over at his house.

      :nono:these "diary" pages included pictures of naked people and ashley "sucking max's weiner" and the word 'humping' was used alot and other shit about sucking boobs.

      i was soooooo stunned:o i didnt even know what to say and i still dont. part of me was so angry at her for even thinking about that stuff when she's so young and the other part was just in shock. for days i didnt say anything to anyone so i thought id ask here for advice on how to talk to her about this.

      i have decided to not tell my mom about it yet because she has enough on her plate. and i didnt wana worry her:(

      so please any suggestions??

      first: :o


      tell her about aids... and everything else, BETTER YET show her pictures.
      maybe footage from a C-section? :confused:

      that oat to get her mind off it. :D

      Tirius wrote:

      Twelve year old girls are getting drunk, having sex and even taking drugs these days.

      You're lucky, your sister seems to be a late bloomer compared to everyone else.

      LMFAO true and FREEKIN CRAZY... i blame google....
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3:
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      being upset because she is having sexual thoughts at 12 is out of line. as long as she isn't acting on them and is properly educated, its perfectly normal... 12 is after many kids have started puberty, so i'd almost be worried if she wast haing some sort of curiosity or thought... the best thing you can do is take her aside and ask her about how she's feeling and question whether she has sexual thoughts, how often, and what about in an open, non threatening, and friendly big-sibling-y way. talk to her about when and how sex is appropriate, and tell her how you personally deal with things of that nature, and/or did at her age.. Don't condemn it, or she will be totally screwed up and think that its totally wrong and there is no place for it. its natural and has its time and place, and shouldn't be touted as "evil" or "bad" just "controlled". if you get on her for it or bring up the diary, you wont only have a problem with her hating and not trusting you(for invading her privacy; believe me you wouldn't like it if someone did the same thing to your private diary) but she will also have problems ever opening up to anyone again. Help her to grow positively, instead of just telling her its wrong and leaving her curious and uneducated.

      ---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

      Finally able to post after months! i keep getting an error and my text was gone!

      ---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

      So.. Lets see if this works again.. Testing 123. I will delete this.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Sharxbyte ().

    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      for those people saying i acted "way out of line" READ the posts i put on page 2!!
      i KNOW i did. if you guys would read it you would see. :(
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm urgin' all daughters to kiss they mothers, with those lips that all that lipstick covers, your never to grown up to miss and hug her♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      jesss wrote:

      for those people saying i acted "way out of line" READ the posts i put on page 2!!
      i KNOW i did. if you guys would read it you would see. :(

      ty for the clarification on that, cuz not many people read through the other pages.
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3:
    • Re: my 12 year old sister is having sexual thoughts. /:

      thanks for clarifying. sorry; i try not to be harsh, but i know i can come across that way sometimes. my apologies.

      ANTI CONDOM wrote:

      Calm down. I express myself like this. It is 5AM over here. Relax jessss. No offense intended, I told you.

      :o AC is being nice AND apologizing in the same post?
      :p;) half kidding =]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharxbyte ().