My mom's chemotherapy isnt working

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    • My mom's chemotherapy isnt working

      i feel extremely stressed out:( because yesterday my mom came back from a CAT scan and when i saw her face, immediatly i knew something was wrong, i tried to talk to her but she ran upstairs and took a hot bath for an hour. i was worried but i didnt make a big deal out of it (as to not upset my sisters or brothers).

      later that day, my stepdad told me to go to my room and shut the door. i automatically started to tear up when i saw the look in his face. he slowly told me that "Momma is not improving, there has been more growth since last time." by that point i was really crying. i dont know what to do.

      my dad said not to worry because this isnt the last page in her book, that there is still hope, and that i need to keep praying. he said she would once again be started on a new chemotharapy at UCLA...but how many times dose she need to start on a new medicine?

      my 5 year old brother's homework question was "if you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?" his response was "soup, tranformers, and a medicine that works for mommy." hearing this, makes me even more sad knowing it affects my younger siblings.

      i just wrote this to keep you guys posted and as a prayer request.
    • Re: My mom's chemotherapy isnt working

      I very much feel for you here, after going through the exact same as you. I truly feel for you and all those close to your mom that are going through this difficult time. Try to keep your chin up for your mom, even though it's hard. Everyone in your home and all those others that are close to your mom are all feeling the same. Sticking together and trying your best to stay strong for your mom's sake is the best thing you can do right now, as well as obviously be beside her. I really hope she recovers very soon! Stay positive!
      If you need to talk don't be afraid to message.
    • Re: My mom's chemotherapy isnt working

      Hey, I know this is a few days old and you probably aren't watching it very closely anymore, but I wanted to reply anyway. I lost my mom to cancer a year ago and I definitely understand what you are going through.

      I went through so many different emotions that it scares me to look back at that point in my life. The most important thing that I can tell you, and I wish there had been someone to drill it into my head, is that you mom is alive right now. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, or next month, or next year, she's with you right now. We could be talking this time next year and she could be in full remission and doing fine, but don't let that hope dissuade you from making the most of what you have. Cherish every single moment you have with her, because there might come a time when you would give anything to have just a little bit more.

      People are going to tell you how you should feel or how you are going to feel. They mean well, don't get upset with them for trying. The truth is that every person faces the potential loss of a loved one differently.

      I'm so sorry and I will be praying for your mom. I wish you only the best and I hope that there's good news coming. Take care.

      P.S. If you ever need to talk, please MSN me.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jenna: msn note ().

    • Re: My mom's chemotherapy isnt working

      Jenna wrote:

      The most important thing that I can tell you, and I wish there had been someone to drill it into my head, is that you mom is alive right now. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, or next month, or next year, she's with you right now. Cherish every single moment you have with her, because there might come a time when you would give anything to have just a little bit more.

      I totally agree. im so sorry to hear bout your mom I lost my dad three years ago and i know how hard it is but ^ this person above me is right. shes with you now. there were so many things i wish id asked my dad or apologized or just done to spend time with him. Dont let time slip away its precious. And i know your worried bout everyone else around you whos affected by this but remember you need support too. You cant protect them from everything you need to let it out once in a while too or your gonna feel worse one day.

      Please let me know what happens... i wish you and your family all the best
      life, is what you choose to make it.
      some live,
      others fake it
    • Re: My mom's chemotherapy isnt working

      jesss wrote:

      i feel extremely stressed out:( because yesterday my mom came back from a CAT scan and when i saw her face, immediatly i knew something was wrong, i tried to talk to her but she ran upstairs and took a hot bath for an hour. i was worried but i didnt make a big deal out of it (as to not upset my sisters or brothers).

      later that day, my stepdad told me to go to my room and shut the door. i automatically started to tear up when i saw the look in his face. he slowly told me that "Momma is not improving, there has been more growth since last time." by that point i was really crying. i dont know what to do.

      my dad said not to worry because this isnt the last page in her book, that there is still hope, and that i need to keep praying. he said she would once again be started on a new chemotharapy at UCLA...but how many times dose she need to start on a new medicine?

      my 5 year old brother's homework question was "if you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?" his response was "soup, tranformers, and a medicine that works for mommy." hearing this, makes me even more sad knowing it affects my younger siblings.

      i just wrote this to keep you guys posted and as a prayer request.

      All I can say is you have to have hope. I hope your mom does recover soon. I can only imagine what you are going through. Tootles and keep on smiling. Be strong!