Awkward situation..

    • Awkward situation..

      Yeah so I'm new to these forums, found it on google looking for advice. I just lurked for about an hour, but couldn't find anyone with a situation similar to mine.

      Ok, so the situation: We have two groups of friends, a group of guys, then another of girls. Every now and then we all hang out together (often involving alcohol). There's this one girl all of my friends want me to get with, and her friends want the same. The only thing is we're both awkward and suck at small talk. I have no idea how to start a conversation with someone I'm not forced to talk to. We both know we like each other, and so does everyone else, but we just don't talk. I was thinking about trying to talk to her when we're all drunk, so that if it doesn't work out I can play it off as me acting like an idiot.

      Any advice on how I can talk to her would be appreciated. Please don't say "Ask her for her number." Because I'm way too shy to do anything that drastic. Well thanks for anyone who gives any advice.
    • Re: Awkward situation..

      Dexter. wrote:

      Just open your mouth and talk, it's really not a big deal, I used to be really shy around girls, but thought what the heck, life is short, I can't waste my time being shy.

      It's true, and sounds so easy, I just don't know what to say. I've talked to her a few times, and every time I have my friends've made remarks that didn't help at all.. I guess I should just stop being a pussy..
    • Re: Awkward situation..

      just take it slow
      try and start a convo with her or go and sit beside her and see how that goes
      idk what more to say except goodluck
      everyone else beat me on this particular topic
      i am a proud supporter of gay pride as i am bi-sexuali love my girlfriend Amy with all of my heart
      i love meeting and talking to new ppl so if you wanna chatt feel free to pm me:gay::lolz:
    • Re: Awkward situation..

      well yes alcohol will help you loosen out more, but i wouldnt advise you be drunk every time you talk to her. maybe the next time ye are all out ask her for her number, or else maybe ask one of her friends for her number, and start texting, this is a great way of building confidence in talking to her, and if you can talk through texting you should have no problems in talking in person, find something ye both may like, examples: music, sport, school, art anything, then start talking about it. like if ye both like each other then ye should both go for it, what have ye to lose?? i know the confidence thing is an issue and i too am soooo shy around girls, but you just have to put that in the back of your mind, it gets easier the more you talk, its like if you have a fear of heights you do a bungee jump, its the same concept here, you just have to immerse yourself in conversation. i hope this helped in some way.
    • Re: Awkward situation..

      Are you just doing this because your friends want you to?

      Next time you hang out, just go up to her and say "hey"... maybe a "how's it going" as well or something. Once you get into the conversation it will be much easier. Just bite the bullet and go for it. Nothing bad is going to happen. You're friends, right? What bad could happen by saying hey..

      ^^ Facebook is also a good way to start, but don't use up all conversation topics on there, though.
    • Re: Awkward situation..

      Let me tell you, once you attend university, you are going to wish you would have just talked away and LEARNED how to small talk, since that is 90% of the process. To do, is to have confidence. The most reason why you are shy is because you do not have much self-confidence/experience. How to change this? Get more experience at it! Find things to talk about, get her opinion on things you think she would find interesting. Learn to smile, listen, think, and respond. That is all there is to it. In my culture, however, we would just ask the person out on a dinner date, which forces us to create small talk, and it usually works quite well. But good luck on trying, and remember, be confident, yet yourself
    • Re: Awkward situation..

      If I was you, I would go at sit with her at lunch (if you go to the same school) or if you have Facebook, add her then you can chat online and make it easier in person. Talk about what you did this weekend or how stupidly ridiculous that essay you all had to write was. Try to be funny, if you can, otherwise just be nice. When it gets less awkward, ask her to the movies or something. I don't know how old you are but if your like early teens take her on a group date so it would be more comfortable.