My Mom is CONSTANTLY Angry...

    • My Mom is CONSTANTLY Angry...

      She constantly yells at me, mocks me, and insults me. She says things like how I "need to get a life", "be more like normal people", and "quit being such a ditz all the time".

      Theses kind of things really hurt my feelings. I know you'll probably say to talk to her about it, but when I do, all she does is swear at me and insult me even more! She's also disrespected my sexual orientation by saying that the reason I'm not straight is because I'm mentally ill, or have been traumatized. And she yells at me and gets angry over small stuff:

      We were leaving the airport when I asked whether we were going home first, or if we were going to go eat. She tells me in a very pissed-off tone that we're going to eat first. I then tell her that I was just curious, and ask why she had to get so angry. She then tells me that I shouldn't talk if I don't "really give a shit". I also once asked when she was going to be done with dinner because I wanted to take a walk. She answered, and I assumed that that would be enough time to take a walk and be back in time. As I'm going out the door, she yells at me for not finishing dinner!

      And tonight, I asked if I could go somewhere with a friend and she mocked me about it! She's letting me go, but she thinks that it's stupid and that I shouldn't (it's a convention in town, by the way).

      Is she going through menopause or something? I mean, CONSTANTLY angry with me. I don't know what to do... sometimes, I want to leave and go stay with a relative or a close friend for a while. But I'm too afraid of how she'll act if I leave. What do I do? I don't consider it verbal abuse (except for one occasion, where she spent an hour completely trashing me, my personality, and behaviour to my face)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ~Dizzy~ ().

    • Re: My Mom is CONSTANTLY Angry...

      Well, you don't call it verbal abuse, but swearing, insulting and everything IS verbal abuse. Perhaps staying with a relative would snap your mom out of it? Yes, I'm going to say talk to her first, because you don't want to take action without warning. It's just so you can fall back on it saying "I tried talking to you, but you didn't do anything about it". Just to cover yourself. But it can also really help. A parent should normally respond when their kid says "I need you to do this to help me" unless they completely don't care or just don't respect what you think is good for you.

      Overall, she just seems very disrespectful. A parent not respecting a kid? So what right? Parents should be respected. No, that's wrong. You deserve just as much respect as anyone. And the way she is acting shows no respect for you. You need to talk to her about that aspect of her behavior too.
      Another thing to look at as well, is your behavior. Do you do anything to make her pissed off? Normal things teens do, like nag, ask for stuff and so on? I'm not accusing you, but a lot of the time parents have reasons for acting this way. Also, is there anything going on in her life, like work or family related that may be stressing her out? If so, when talking to her you might want to say "I understand this is going on with you but, it's affecting me this way.."

      She needs to know you need her to change in order to make you happy. If not, then if you can try staying with a relative if things get really bad and to the point you can't take it. But only if it's serious. Otherwise, it may just be something that may pass as it could be something going on in her life.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]