Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

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    • Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      I hope this is the right place to post this but....

      Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs? Say like, a bad reaction or trip or anything bad that has happened to you? Discuss

      Basically, the only drug I have tried is weed, (other than alcohol) and I would usually have good highs with it, but recently this summer, for some reason it changed. A few friends and I were smoking it and everything seemed alright until I got up and everything was sorta shakey. In my head before we smoked, my friend had told me how she had a bad reaction so I was nervous.. and so when everything was a bit shakey, I felt like a freak out a tad. So I was walking home and I couldn't walk well, everything felt slow motion and a dream.. I felt like I was zoning out and zoning in and I hallucinated a person walking in front of which was weird because I didn't think you could hallucinate with weed.. anyway, somehow I managed to get home and sorta heard voices, my throat began to feel like it was closing up and that a ball was stuck in it, i was really twitchy but super tired, I tried to sleep but five minutes felt like 3 hours. I felt like everything was a dream but I would snap back into reality for a split second then snap back out.
      Anyway, I got sick that night, I don't really remember exactly why, either I was too stoned or that I thought I could get rid of the weed.... (that would be stupid) and I finally fell asleep around 5am..
      My friend said that is called "Greening Out" but I don't know.

      That was my worst experience ever. And after that, I tried it again one time... but I was sorta freaked out, I got high off two hits, so I don't know if my body is reacting or what? But, I don't think I am gonna continue it lol.

      What were you worst experiences?
    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      Most of that sounded like a good high lol. I like the zoning in and out, feeling numb and losing sense of time. Only bad part I read was getting sick. I only got sick after ripping the bong way to many times of real high grade herb and I threw up a couple times and felt a bit icky for 30 min but after that I was good for the rest of the day.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by ZachG ().

    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      I smoked a lot of weed once and people are saying you can't hallucinate with it but I think your mind just tricks you sometimes when you have smoked a lot of it.
      I was sat in a field looking at some trees and I thought I could see a weird scary looking girl walking through trees dressed all in black but I couldn't see her face. Then I saw her turn towards me and start walking towards me and I sat rocking back and forth crying because I convinced myself I was going to be killed by her.

      I've also had damage done to my nose through mephedrone but apart from that no other bas experiences.

    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      Muppy wrote:

      I smoked a lot of weed once and people are saying you can't hallucinate with it but I think your mind just tricks you sometimes when you have smoked a lot of it.
      I was sat in a field looking at some trees and I thought I could see a weird scary looking girl walking through trees dressed all in black but I couldn't see her face. Then I saw her turn towards me and start walking towards me and I sat rocking back and forth crying because I convinced myself I was going to be killed by her.

      I've also had damage done to my nose through mephedrone but apart from that no other bas experiences.

      That would be scary haha, that musta sucked.
      Well I felt like I was dreaming it or something? Like it felt like I fell asleep but was still walking. I thought there were three people and one ran off to hide to scare me and the person I was walking with... but no one was there so I was really confused... maybe it was dipped or laced, it was a horrible time lol
    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      I was at my friend's house, and we were drinking screwdrivers and syrup all night. I overdid it, and ended up passing out in my car when I went to grab my cigarettes from the center console. Everyone was completely gone at this point, and apparently they thought I was sleeping in aforementioned friend's sister's room (I was dating her on and off around that time), although I don't know why they would think that seeing as I never slept in her bed when he was there (I'm a better friend than a boyfriend, it would seem).

      Not that bad, in the whole of things, but it was pretty fucking funny when we all sobered up. I endured a lot of chiding about that when it happened, but I look back and laugh at it now.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      I've been incredibly stoned more than I've been sober for the past few months..

      I can't see how people have 'bad trips' with weed, 'cause I find it's all about my mentality. I've never actually greenied, but I only class that as being sick. I've had the shakes, I've tripped, I've noided my bollocks off and I've been in that dreamy phase.. I also tend to have a memory lapse of about 4-5 minutes and I have no idea what I've been doing.

      If you think you're in a bad state, just think about everything logically, because it works and it takes your mind off whatever's bugging you. If you're in a position, eat as much as you can.. It sobers you up real quick and feels banging when you have the munchies.

      I tend to know my limit from when I get that 'ball in my throat' and I know I can't smoke anymore. I honestly wouldn't take those 'bad trips' as a reason to stop.. Just think it out, talk to yourself if you have to and take shit easy.

      As for my bad experiences on drugs.. ;

      I've been so stoned that I thought I could feel the spin of the earth and fell over for 5 minutes.
      Almost got attacked while on a load of ket
      Spent over 6 hours tripping my balls off on pills in the middle of the woods, no idea where I was.

      It's all good though :D
    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      morphine wrote:

      yeah i collapsed unconscious from a dodgy pill, no bad trip or anything...just complete unconsciousness for 4 hours and really sick. my friend thought i was dead.

      this is why i will never take pills again. ;)

      Did that :D.. friend gave me a pill and I popped it just fell asleep for a few hours (had a few weird dreams from what I remembered)

      Bad experience .. mhh.. when I first did salvia can't explain it.. I thought I was in water and like blah.. idk.. I apparently walked down the hall touched my bike looked in the mirror and went back into my spot.. when I came back to reality I was sweating a bit and my mouth was just full of saliva:drool: I kept on slurring and I felt really sad:(... I dont think that was my worst experience but it was pretty trippy..

    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      you cannot hallucinate from weed , it may have been dipped in another drug.. ive expirianced lsd weed before.. baad shit when your not expecting it.
      WRONG! cannabis is a hallucinogen and you CAN trip from weed. However, smoking it will not induce such a trip unless you have some protein deficiency or a very low tolerance. The best way to trip from weed is to make a cake with a big amount in it, maybe an ounce of weed and trust me, eat that down and within 1-2 hours you will be tripping. Also, do you actually know how fragile a chemical LSD is? I have heard loads of people talk about LSD weed, or voodoo weed as often is said, but firstly why would any dealer do that when one drop of lsd can be sold for about % english pounds... To put enough over a 20 bag of weed you would need like 3-4 drops. It is a giant waste of money. Secondly, LSD is very fragile and UV light, chlorine, and many other drugs/substances weaken and destroy the compound, so the chances of it surviving laying around ona bud and being touched, in a bag etc are minimal. That is why they out it on sugar cubes or special paper with no chlorine on.

      I have had a few bad experiences, a couple of times I have taken too much ecstasy (mdma) like over 1gram of mdma which is about 9-10 pills these days. I basically got too hot and started to black out which is never a nice feeling, quite the opposite to the feeling normally on ex.
      I have had 2 bad experiences with acid, one was at a music festival and I took 5 tabs of acid and then did a line of ketamine. I was okay for a few minutes and went into the tent to get changed when suddenly every bodies voice changed into some foreign language. It was very strange, it was echoing and distorting and bluring into one mess of a sound. I sat bolt up right as soon as I heard this change and crawled out of the tent to hear everything around me totally distorted. It was as if I had entered a twisted world and I could understand nothing. A few minutes later I began to actually see sound which was pretty cool, but apart from that it was a very testing and hard experience.

      There were also a few times where just on ketamine have gone loopy, you enter a kind of dream world sometimes on K and I often forget what I have done under the influence. Sometimes ketamine can be quite dark and twisted and I thought I had killed my housemate for some reason, I had this idea that I had drilled into my head and I began to worry whilst still tripping on it. As with any K hole you cannot really walk well and I stumbled and slid along the wall to his room and found he was fine lol, he hadn't seen me the whole night whilst I was with a friend of mine... I thought I was going to go to prison or something
      ''there is no way to peace, peace is the way''

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ThailandTom ().

    • Re: Have you ever had a bad experience with drugs?

      lol, I wasn't referring to what you said don't bother, do do not worry :P I was referring to the person who said you cannot trip from weed and giving my views on lsd laced weed.

      With psychedelic drugs such as acid, you can have a bad trip if you are not mentally sound in the moment you take it. For example, if you have just broken up with a gf or lost a relative, that would be a very bad time to take such a drug. It often brings out what is underlying on your subconscious and conscious mind, to me acid isn't just vibrant colours and being able to see sound or pretty patterns, I used it also as a tool to delve into my inner self and to contemplate the word in a different manner
      ''there is no way to peace, peace is the way''