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    • So, ever since seeing the new Ipad i've been interesting in buying one. I like the thought of being able to browse the internet away from home with the computer feel. I'm guessing some here have one or may have used one for a while, so what are your opinions on them? Are they as good as they seem for browsing the net outdoors etc? I really hope to buy one but am just curious to hear other's opinions on them.
    • The Safari browser is GREAT on the iPad, but I wouldn't buy one just yet. There will be new ones released as early as the beginning of next year, which isn't too far away. The new ones will have more features and they'll probably drop the price a bit too.

      Right now, if you're just going to be browsing the Internet, an iPad is WAY too expensive for that. I would definitely wait until next year.

      Why not just get a 4th gen iPod touch instead? The new ones have the 960x640 screen, which equals 614,400 pixels, which is only slightly less screen real estate than the iPad's 786,432. That's what I'm doing :D
    • I do have a laptop which i use at home, however these seem really cool for traveling with, instead of carrying a 15 inch laptop:p
      I never thought they'd be bringing a newer Ipad model out, i wouldn't be getting one very soon anyway, but i'm intrigued what the differences will be on the later one when/if it comes out.

      I personally don't see the difference from Ipod Touch to using the internet on my phone to be honest. I find the phone internet to be annoying and didn't think an Ipod touch size and internet would be much different.

      What are the other main uses for the Ipad? I can see why it would be a lot of money just to use the internet, although they do give the actual feel of being on a computer in my opinion.
      My main reason for laptop use is internet, as i don't really use it for much else. It would be great to have something on my travels, and even for all the apps that the Ipad has:p
    • i would recommend getting one. i love using internet on it and the coursenote app makes it a good for school and i do my homework on it aswell. i use mine more then my laptop at times, but i dislike how it does not have flash!

      i really dislike the ipod touches because of how small they are :(

      The post was edited 1 time, last by FlyWithMe ().

    • Well, i really liked the safari browser and just the feel of using it, as i had a little go on one at a store once. You can browse the web anywhere on them, can't you? I don't quite understand why flash isn't on them though. Luckily i don't think i go on many sites that need flash, but still.
      The size must make it slightly difficulty to carry around, but good at the same time as i hate browsing the internet on anything any smaller. I think i would use it for other purposes aswell actually, although i' be getting my useage out of it anyway on the internet!
      It seems it's one of these things that you either love or hate! I personally think i'd enjoy it from what i saw in the store yesterday. I love the look of the Ipod Touch don't get me wrong, however when it comes to using the internet on anything other than my laptop, i wouldn't enjoy the browsing on anything smaller than these Ipads. My phone internet works whilst i am in the car, so surely this would?
      As much as it may say all the info on websites, i'm interested to see what other cool stuff is on these, in your opinions.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Fashion ().

    • Fashion wrote:

      I love the look of the Ipod Touch don't get me wrong, however when it comes to using the internet on anything other than my laptop, i wouldn't enjoy the browsing on anything smaller than these Ipads. My phone internet works whilst i am in the car, so surely this would?

      There's two different models, the WiFi only model and the 3G model. The WiFi model has to be in an area where there's a wireless network for you to be able to browse the Internet with it. The 3G model will work "on the go", but you have to subscribe to a data plan from AT&T and pay a monthly fee.
    • You think you dont use flash that much?

      Any kind of Video you watch online is most likely flash, there are plenty of websites that are flash only.
      I dont think I could pay that much for an iPad, also, you would have to get the 3G one to browse anywhere. Its like $30 a month in the US.

      What kind of phone do you have? If you dont have a newish Android phone or iPhone, the browsing experience on those devices is NOTHING like what you have.
    • I want one. Even if it's just for hellsies lol. If I had the money lying around i'd probably buy a 3G model.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Fashion wrote:

      It's stupid that they didn't build flash in them considering!

      Flash is a platform of software APIs, and they have to be programmed to work on whatever it's going to run on, be it Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, etc. So, since Apple doesn't want Flash on the iOS devices, they're not allowing Adobe to program Flash for them.

      Anyway, I rarely if ever use Flash at all. Nearly all websites I visit don't use Flash (or maybe just Flash for ads.) The one exception is Tinychat, but I can live without that I suppose. :D Even desktop YouTube I have set to always play the h.264 video if available, and same with Vimeo as well.

      I'm not with Steve Jobs on the whole "Flash is evil" thing, since the platform is very powerful and not easy to ignore, but he is right when he says it sucks/doesn't work properly on mobile devices, especially those with touch screens. It's true h8ers, get over it. :D