A failed suicide attempt

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    • A failed suicide attempt

      On Monday I tried to kill myself. I am struggling with the guilt I feel because I caused so much pain for my friends and family. I am scared to return back to school and get on with my life. My friends say that things can never be the same, and that hurts so bad. I know that everything is my fault. One friend decided to diagnose me herself, saying that I'm bipolar and I belong in a psych ward. when I was in the hospital I didn't meet any criteria to be further examined. I am not bipolar, just sad. my boyfriend is a "fixer" and wants to make me better. I don't want anyone's help, I just want their friendship. At the same time, I am plagued with the guilt of causing them so much pain.
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      I did this too, in fact just the other week. Don't be afraid to return to school, your friends will try to help you if they're true friends and people who ridicule you are immature and stupid.

      Your family should understand and if they don't well I guess I can see why but either way they should help you. Just let them now you truly apologize and are sorry for it, and that you'll try to get better.

      If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll send you my MSN in a private message.
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      You have to just stop worrying so much, if people bitch at you for that they aren't worth your time. The best advice I could give is just to get out some dreams, listen to some music, try just making yourself happy for a day, not worrying about what other people will do, or think. If you feel really bad about hurting your friends feelings, just tell them so, and they ought to understand if they're real friends.

    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      This is still new for everyone, and they are in shock and learning how to deal with it. Notice that all of your friends and family are reacting to this in different ways. That does not mean they don't love you. This just means that they are adapting to what happened and figuring out how to move on. Try to be patient and give them a little time, I know that's hard right now because at the same time they are going through this, you need them more than ever.

      I'm sure you have apologized to them by now. Just give them time. If they really love you, they are going to come around. I do hope that this is acting as a lesson for you. Suicide is perhaps the most selfish act you can perform. It causes permanent harm to every person that cares about you.

      I hope that things are getting better and will continue getting better for you.
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      Jenna wrote:

      This is still new for everyone, and they are in shock and learning how to deal with it. Notice that all of your friends and family are reacting to this in different ways. That does not mean they don't love you. This just means that they are adapting to what happened and figuring out how to move on. Try to be patient and give them a little time, I know that's hard right now because at the same time they are going through this, you need them more than ever.

      I'm sure you have apologized to them by now. Just give them time. If they really love you, they are going to come around. I do hope that this is acting as a lesson for you. Suicide is perhaps the most selfish act you can perform. It causes permanent harm to every person that cares about you.

      I hope that things are getting better and will continue getting better for you.

      wont say much. as she said it all.
      but please dont do such stupid things again. life is beautiful. and if you realise truely, there are many people who really loves and cares about you. its not that they have to know you to do so or has to tell you about it all the time. this is humanity. :)

      and i wish you a quick recovery. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ashique ().

    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      cassiecat wrote:

      On Monday I tried to kill myself. I am struggling with the guilt I feel because I caused so much pain for my friends and family. I am scared to return back to school and get on with my life. My friends say that things can never be the same, and that hurts so bad. I know that everything is my fault. One friend decided to diagnose me herself, saying that I'm bipolar and I belong in a psych ward. when I was in the hospital I didn't meet any criteria to be further examined. I am not bipolar, just sad. my boyfriend is a "fixer" and wants to make me better. I don't want anyone's help, I just want their friendship. At the same time, I am plagued with the guilt of causing them so much pain.

      The fact you have the chutzpah to come on here an admit this is a credit to your integrity as a person, that after this you can still readily face the world and share your thoughts/experiences.

      Please go back to school, and hold your head high, life for me got bettr after my suicide attempts, depression will always get better, life will always cycle between the up's and the down's, your wonderful.
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      i know the feeling of suicide i know the horror of parents friends family not caring or listening.
      but you can get through this
      every single human being has that longing to survive.
      everyone has the potential in them.
      only with the right actions can we truly be at peace
      go to school,make new friends,get councelling these options may seem like somthing you dont like doing but if you want to make it into a world of new opportunities you need open yourself up to this world.
      to those who are mean to you they are not your true friends, true friends are supporting even if you dont want it they will give it to you just like you boyfriend.
      i know for a fact that you can get those feelings as if you dont need help or dont want help and that its hard to accept help but if you do there be a much brighter future for you.
      please dont kill yourself!
      everyone has the potential to change.
      if you feel u have caused trouble to your family or friends apologize,love & care for them. it will take time but those feelings will eventually get to them. :)
      if you have any other problems i would like to hear
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt


      I'm sorry you feel this way! I have gone threw this before. Thinking that everyones life would be better off if you were dead. Well No. You are worth as much as they are.

      Stay cool and toasty :D. Things will get better if you just put your head up and keep your mind off of it.

      [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]J[COLOR="SandyBrown"]U[COLOR="Yellow"]S[COLOR="Lime"]T [COLOR="Blue"]D[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]A[COLOR="Magenta"]N[COLOR="Red"]C[COLOR="Lime"]E[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
      Melbourne Shuffle <3[/SIZE][/FONT]
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      Honestly, I don't know where I would be without Jesus. People may not like anything having to do with religion being on the forums, but he is what has kept me from falling to dangerously low levels. Just sharing whar has worked for me, so I won't go on "preaching" as I belive I would reciece more negativity than the opposite.
    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      i'm terribly sorry you tried to commit suicide and i'm sorry if this response doesn't help you but by the sound of your post, you have friends.. a family.. and boyfriend who cares for you, why would you want to commit suicide? that's the question you need to ask yourself.
      ~Friendships break and family's fall apart but memories will always stay within your heart <3~

    • Re: A failed suicide attempt

      Suicide is not the proper way to handle situations, try to talk with your parents for that situation. and go to school your friends will help you. and this total teenhut forum is to help you.
      you can share your tension, depression and all. you have thousands of helps dont you feel lucky.
      so why to suicide man........
      Because For a Racer, A story is there.
      No matter How powerfull your car is, but the matter is How you Drive to win the Race.