not over him...

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    • not over him...

      so me and my boyfriend broke up almost 2months ago after a 14month relationship and i just cant seem to get over him every time i see him i just get that ache in my gut i really still miss him alot.. Is it normal to still miss him how long will it take to move on need advise.
      A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.:rolleyes:
    • Re: not over him...

      The longer you are with someone, the harder it is get over them. I know you are hoping for some kind of magical advice that will instantly make you feel better, but there really isn't any. As the saying goes: "Time heals all wounds".

      It's true.

      This is going to take time for you to move on. But just look at it one way: tomorrow is going to be a little better. The day after that? It's going to be a little better too. And so on, and so on. As much as it sucks to lose someone that you have been with for that long, you will slowly heal from this. Maybe now you are meant to find the person that's REALLY right for you. To me, that sounds like a comforting thought. Now, I'm sure you are going to hear advice like "Get right out there and find someone new." For some people, that's great and all, but I think you are hurting right now and that's the last thing in the world you feel like. Don't be pushed into anything like that, don't feel like you 'need' to be in another relationship any faster than you are ready for. Just take things at your own pace.

      I hope things work out for you, I wish you the best.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jenna: expanded ().

    • Re: not over him...

      I'm so sorry for you :( I've never been in a relationship that long but I know it must be really hard. But, I think it's completely normal for it to take some time for you to get over it. The first one is the worst one when it comes to a broken heart. Remember that, at least afterthis the others won't be as severe. I'm not sure exactly what to tell you but, I really feel for you. The person above me gave great advice though! Just try to keep your head up and think about positive things. Although that's probably hard to do you don't want to get too depressed. Good luck and feel free to pm me if you wanna just talk :)
    • Re: not over him...

      Hello :)

      You and this guy were together for fourteen months - for this age groups, that's immense to be honest, and I commend you for keeping it going that long. And, of course, from having such a long relationship, the consequences of the break up are tough. However, don't fret! There's not some underlying issue, there's nothing wrong with you or him, and it's not going to last forever. It's a completely normal situation to be in, especially in such an emotional age group, and despite the fact that you see him so often, you will soon feel better. But, it's not nice to feel this way - so how can you speed up the process????

      Socialise. This is kind of a necessity - you need to be around other people. You'd be surprised at how much this helps. If you do this, then the events that happen with them (hopefully positive ones), will be the events that are on your mind, and soon your ex will fade away into nothing but a memory. You'll see him and wonder what you were so down about. You'll think about him and wonder what you ever saw in him. But to do this, you must replace the feelings of longing with feelings of happiness.

      Quoting desperate housewives, "the only way you can get rid of an addiction is to replace it with an addiction" - there's a lot of truth behind this. Your heart is working in much the same way as your brain, but in a spiritual and metaphorical sense. Your brain, when it experiences something pleasurable, will crave it afterwards. Well, your heart is craving your ex. What do you do with it? The same you do with your brain - you find something else to attach it to. Something else that makes you happy. Friends, family, drawing, writing, reading - it's usually something creative. Physically strenuous activities can help too. These will take your heartache away and direct your feelings towards something else.

      Don't ever be scared to talk to someone to get your feelings out. This works for some people, but for others it only brings the past back up, so be careful. Find out whether you are the kind of person who would benefit from a good long rant, and then rant! You can do that with friends, family, or even to us Support Leaders, so don't be afraid.

      This kind of situation is tough...just remember that you won't always feel this way, you don't need him, and you have a better life ahead.

      Good luck :)

      ~Anya x
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: not over him...

      I know it's been said, but guess what, it's true. Time Time Time Time. Think it's cliche? Refer to the bottom right of my signature.
      Now, I just got out of one that long too. It's still killing me a bit. Think about it, that's over a year, you thought about him, you spent time with him, and he was a big part of your life for a long period of time which just ended.

      Things to think about are why it ended. Also think about the future, how someone else is out there for you, that this isn't the last boy to step in and out of your life. We're teens, it's going to happen a few more times before you meet Mr. Right. Think about your friends, how happy they make you, think about how you're happy that you had a wonderful time with him, and that you're happy it happened. It was a fun ride, but all fun rides end. Now just start thinking about how there's going to be another one in your future. It's kind of repetitive of me to say "think of the future", but it's really what's getting me through my break up right now. So perhaps it will work for you.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: not over him...

      Jenna wrote:

      The longer you are with someone, the harder it is get over them. I know you are hoping for some kind of magical advice that will instantly make you feel better, but there really isn't any. As the saying goes: "Time heals all wounds".

      i used to think that too. but i had a realationship with a girl for 2 years and when we broke up... i did feel bad but nothing compared to my next one.

      after that i was enjoying my single life actually. it was hell fun. but i decided to give it another go as i met a girl who was almost 90% of what i wanted my girl to be. so i get into a relationship (kindda jumped into it.. as she was the one who proposed) 4/5 years after my first breakup and it lasts for just like 6months. and it took me almost a year to get over her.. of which the first 4/5 months were brutal.

      the only thing that makes me feel better now is that i know that she just played with me and thats all she could afford to do. (which i could guess too, but ignored them as i was madly in ...... blah blah she will directly reject this but its not just me but every single friend of mine tells me the same thing.

      its really hard getting over a relationship once you have committed yourself too much to a person. but as they say there is only one cure... TIME.