France bans the burqa

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    • Re: france bans the burqa

      Well, personally I don't have any problem with France, and this doesn't give me one, but since you're a female Muslim who lives there.... oh wait....

      To be honest, in a lot of primarily Muslim countries, women would be arrested for not wearing a Burka, regardless of their nationality or religion, so if France want to impose a similar law, they have a right to it. At least the French legal system is better than countries where petty theft is punished by cutting off an appendage. And no, I'm not racist, this stuff actually happens.

      I just don't see why a law regarding dress, that doesn't affect you in any way, in a country across an ocean from you, should warrant hatred. Especially rich coming from someone living in the nation that brought us the Jim Crow laws, and delving back to earlier American history, the signs in shops and restaurants during the famine that read "No pets, no Irish". The French are banning a veil, not an entire nationality or race. The article even says it effects less than 2,000 women in their entire population. And chances are people will still wear them anyway with nothing really being done about it.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: france bans the burqa

      French food is yummy :drool:

      And...what Lisa said. The media is portraying this as discrimination against the Islamic faith, when it isn't. If you look at some of the other French laws on the books, they don't allow Christian symbols in public schools (or any religion for that matter.) Secularism is different from religious intolerance.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by xyz123456 ().

    • Re: france bans the burqa

      RollinRightInuit wrote:

      Well, personally I don't have any problem with France, and this doesn't give me one, but since you're a female Muslim who lives there.... oh wait....

      To be honest, in a lot of primarily Muslim countries, women would be arrested for not wearing a Burka, regardless of their nationality or religion, so if France want to impose a similar law, they have a right to it. At least the French legal system is better than countries where petty theft is punished by cutting off an appendage. And no, I'm not racist, this stuff actually happens.

      I just don't see why a law regarding dress, that doesn't affect you in any way, in a country across an ocean from you, should warrant hatred. Especially rich coming from someone living in the nation that brought us the Jim Crow laws, and delving back to earlier American history, the signs in shops and restaurants during the famine that read "No pets, no Irish". The French are banning a veil, not an entire nationality or race. The article even says it effects less than 2,000 women in their entire population. And chances are people will still wear them anyway with nothing really being done about it.

      It's their customs and how they were brought up to be. It's as if Britain all of a sudden said Christmas is banned. or t shirts and pants are banned.

      It shouldnt be banned but looking it at a bright side though, most of them got sexy eyes, it'd be nice to see whats underneath the veil

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Papa Bear ().

    • Re: france bans the burqa

      David! wrote:

      French food is yummy :drool:

      And...what Lisa said. The media is portraying this as discrimination against the Islamic faith, when it isn't. If you look at some of the other French laws on the books, they don't allow Christian symbols in public schools (or any religion for that matter.) Secularism is different from religious intolerance.


      jerry wrote:

      It's their customs and how they were brought up to be. It's as if Britain all of a sudden said Christmas is banned. or t shirts and pants are banned.

      It shouldnt be banned but looking it at a bright side though, most of them got sexy eyes, it'd be nice to see whats underneath the veil

      It's not like that at all :lol: The United Kingdom is Christian, so it would make no sense for them to ban Christmas, and France aren't banning a religious holiday, or the religion for that matter. They're just banning excessive religious headwear in public places, where it actually does offend some people. Like I said before, other countries arrest people for not conforming to their dress codes, why can't France do the same? Just because it's a bigger tourist destination? That's just saying the more people visit your country, the less laws they should have to abide by, it makes no sense.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: france bans the burqa

      RollinRightInuit wrote:

      To be honest, in a lot of primarily Muslim countries, women would be arrested for not wearing a Burka, regardless of their nationality or religion, so if France want to impose a similar law, they have a right to it.

      That's an extremely flawed way of thinking that is responsible for a ton of problems in the world today. "If someone else is doing it, then I can do it to". France, and really all developed nations, are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than the repressive Middle Eastern nations you are talking about. It's not a legitimate excuse to look at their backwards legal system and justify the faults in our own, it's just stupid.

      You can have a burgeoning economy, a massive population, and so forth, but that doesn't make you a developed country. Look at China. What makes you a first world nation is your legal system, your standard of living, etc. If we start passing laws like this, then how are we any better than the Pakistans of the world? The simple answer is, we aren't. Bottom line is, laws like this are a slippery slope. Today it's only burqas, but how long before France starts banning mosques, then the entire religion, and then Arabic people entirely? It's just plain xenophobia, which is ironic coming from a nation that likes to tout itself as being so progressive.

      At least the French legal system is better than countries where petty theft is punished by cutting off an appendage. And no, I'm not racist, this stuff actually happens.

      The overall quality of their legal system is no excuse to have a repressive law on the books. With legal systems, you have to strive for perfection, you can't just pass a few good laws and claim that they make up for the bad ones.

      I just don't see why a law regarding dress, that doesn't affect you in any way, in a country across an ocean from you, should warrant hatred.

      I'm really surprised at the ideologies you are touting. Because it's not happening in my backyard, I shouldn't care about it? I guess I don't need to care about hunger in the Sudan, blood diamonds in Sierra Leone, etc. As long as I don't have to see it, I shouldn't care right?

      Especially rich coming from someone living in the nation that brought us the Jim Crow laws, and delving back to earlier American history, the signs in shops and restaurants during the famine that read "No pets, no Irish".

      That's just plain stupid. Neither of the examples you listed have been pertinent for decades now. No nation has a complete history that they're entirely proud of, but the key is to not linger on the past and instead to focus on the future. At least you don't see laws like this being passed nationwide in America today, which is the important thing. America is not perfect, and we have made some mistakes in the past, but that doesn't completely negate our ability to offer our opinion of another nation. Especially considering that the person you are addressing was most likely less than a single celled organism when the acts you mentioned were widespread.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: france bans the burqa

      It's not Xenophobia, it's because you can't see someone's face. Judges around here order the women to remove their Burqas all the time in court.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!
    • Re: france bans the burqa

      Dr.Carter wrote:

      That's an extremely flawed way of thinking that is responsible for a ton of problems in the world today. "If someone else is doing it, then I can do it to". France, and really all developed nations, are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than the repressive Middle Eastern nations you are talking about. It's not a legitimate excuse to look at their backwards legal system and justify the faults in our own, it's just stupid.

      You can have a burgeoning economy, a massive population, and so forth, but that doesn't make you a developed country. Look at China. What makes you a first world nation is your legal system, your standard of living, etc. If we start passing laws like this, then how are we any better than the Pakistans of the world? The simple answer is, we aren't. Bottom line is, laws like this are a slippery slope. Today it's only burqas, but how long before France starts banning mosques, then the entire religion, and then Arabic people entirely? It's just plain xenophobia, which is ironic coming from a nation that likes to tout itself as being so progressive.

      The overall quality of their legal system is no excuse to have a repressive law on the books. With legal systems, you have to strive for perfection, you can't just pass a few good laws and claim that they make up for the bad ones.

      I'm really surprised at the ideologies you are touting. Because it's not happening in my backyard, I shouldn't care about it? I guess I don't need to care about hunger in the Sudan, blood diamonds in Sierra Leone, etc. As long as I don't have to see it, I shouldn't care right?

      That's just plain stupid. Neither of the examples you listed have been pertinent for decades now. No nation has a complete history that they're entirely proud of, but the key is to not linger on the past and instead to focus on the future. At least you don't see laws like this being passed nationwide in America today, which is the important thing. America is not perfect, and we have made some mistakes in the past, but that doesn't completely negate our ability to offer our opinion of another nation. Especially considering that the person you are addressing was most likely less than a single celled organism when the acts you mentioned were widespread.

      Ok, I'm not bothered copying and replying to specific questions, or going into a full argument here, but I have a few points.

      1. It's not a "flawed way of thinking" to say a country has a right to pass their own laws, it's a fact.

      2. I don't like the fact that you're justifying your argument by saying France is "better" than other countries, it's not, there is no better.

      3. Stop saying "we", you're not French, and I'm pretty sure you're not a part of their government.

      4. Once again, they're banning excessive religious headwear in public, not the religion. They wont be closing down mosques, or banning Muslims in general. They're just banning one item, in public places, because like it or not, it can make people feel uncomfortable. I would have thought an American would have understood this since a lot of Americans I've come across seem to have a natural fear of anyone from the middle east, which is ridiculous, but if people committing crimes in France wear veils like this to hide their identity (which they do, on occassion), the government have every right to attempt to lower their crime rate by stopping people from wearing them in general.

      5. I didn't say "because it's not in your back yard, you shouldn't care about it." Actually, I wasn't addressing you at all, obviously. And what I said was that it didn't warrant hatred for the entire country. Th OP said this was "another reason to hate France", and frankly, I don't see this as a justification for going so far as to say you hate another nation, that's the kind of ideology that causes unnecessary wars.

      6. So what if they happened in the past? They happened. Next year you can say this French law happened in the past, will that make it better? Ok, meeting adjourned to next year and we'll see how you feel when it's "in the past".

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: France bans the burqa

      Wait are you guys serious that you think France is going to ban Muslims? Uh they're the most secularized country in the world basically.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!