I like her . What about her towards me?

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    • I like her . What about her towards me?

      The story could be long so please bare with me.
      I am 17 years right now. I use to like her just as a beauty but I didn't really talk to her. I thought "so i like her because she's pretty. But I bet her personality is shit" I tried staying negative and moved on.
      2 years later (15 years old when I liked her), she was in one of my class.
      After school, I was bored so i added bunch of people, including her on msn. She accepted it and I decided to make up excuse and started talking to her.
      As we talked, we had similar interests. She was really nice too. Then i started falling for her. She had the beauty, personality, what more of guys want from girls right?
      I always made random excuse to talk to her saying "im bored bored. talk to me!"
      Then she decided to give me this link. It was an anime and it was still airing.
      The show only had 16 episodes and she was also in episode 16. I thought the "show" would be a great excuse to talk to her and find a way to talk about.
      I caught up to 16 and the plan worked great. We talked about it and it was fun.
      Sometimes, I talk to her first but now, she sometime talks to me first on msn.
      We talk a lot and we always stay up until she goes to sleep or g2g.
      WHen I talk to her on msn, she always seems soo happy and cheerful (i think lol)
      As for, real life. She is also friend with this guy and she said she sometimes hang out with him. The way I see it, I think he likes her beceause one time, when she was late for class, he was outside waiting for her (sort of).
      I got a bit jealous but I guess taht's normal. And he always talk to her during class and so is her. I also have a feeling she likes him too maybe?
      Did not ask yet. If i do, she will say "maybe.. or yes" lol
      I sometime see them walking together to class. So that's more jealous for me.
      a week ago, I also found out about her going to the library everyday. Since she was in my class, i made an excuse saying "hey, do you mind if I come with you?" She said "sure". However, it would be awesome if it was only her and me, but she always go with her friends. I bet if it was only her, she would say "no" lol
      I was like "w/e. friends or not, im still with her" After library, we chilled outside with them. I was also the entertainer of the group so i made them laugh hard.
      Let me also tell you this, she also said I am very funny. I make her laugh all the time and as for the guy whom I think he likes her, she also said he is a funny guy too. I don't see her and him outside of school. I only see them together/talking during school. I am just little afraid. Only good thing I can think of her if she likes me is that, she sometimes talks to me first on msn. I also see her starring at me during class. (I am not 100% sure) . I stare at her sometimes and when she look at me, i quickly turn around. and When i try looking at her, I SOMETIMES see her lookng at me and i see her face turn around too. That could be just a coincidence so i am not 100% sure.
      My question is, you think she likes the other guy?
      You think she likes me?
      What should I do to make her like me?
    • Re: I like her . What about her towards me?

      It's hard to say, since she hasn't told you she does or doesn't. Plus like you said, it could just be coincidence that those things happen. Maybe you should try asking her? Certainly you like her and would like to be with her, so asking her would be the next step. Just try pulling her aside some day and talk about it with her. I'm sure she'll respect your feelings and give you a straight answer. I don't think there is anything you can do to MAKE her like you. Plus, you wouldn't want that anyways. You want someone who likes you on their own.

      Just keep talking to her and ask her about it. You'll never know otherwise and kick yourself later if you don't ask her now. :)
    • Re: I like her . What about her towards me?

      It definitely seems to me that there's potential for something to happen between the two of you. The most important thing you can not do in this situation is begin to doubt yourself, obviously you've started to build a chemistry between the two of you and that's a great way to lay the foundation.

      Continue to be her friend and don't get distracted by other people around her. However, I do suggest you be honest with her and allow her to know you're beginning to like her, it might be a mistake if you don't inform her of this. Let her know you're not exactly expecting anything but you really like her, let her know why, too.

      Ultimately, the decision will be up to her and you have to respect whatever she does, if she doesn't see you like that, take the friendship between the two of, it's hard to find great friendships. It takes a little more time for some people to realize what's in front of them though.

      Don't over peruse the matter but don't wait too long to let her know, especially if you're overly concerned about another person showing interest in her. Communication plays this biggest role in these situations though, good luck.
    • Re: I like her . What about her towards me?

      Pretty much what Cade just said. Try not to view this as any kind of competition, but be mindful that this other guy might be thinking the exact same thing you are and trying to figure out how he's going to get her to go out with him. That means there's a potential time limit here; don't wait too long before you decide to make your move.

      Also, keep in mind that even though her answer might be no, that just means that it's 'no' for right now. If you stay friends with her, there's always the chance that something is going to change further on down the road.