Anastasia Salikhova's Story

    • Anastasia Salikhova's Story

      Okay; At the time I was homeless and living in what can only be described as Hell. See, I'd been travelling a lot, in search of my grandpa - again. This was in England, of course - I'm not sure where.

      I'd been travelling for a long time and had come to stop in this place for a while. I had no where to stay of course, so I went to a hostel sort of place. There, I met some people who said they knew a place I could stay, if I did a few jobs for them here and there - so of course, I went to the place they said...which looked like the kind of neighbourhood that should have been named England's butt crack. There, I met people...I knew they were bad, but I needed to survive. They took me in...

      I'm not proud of the things that happened, but I don't regret them. I knew it was Hell for me - and I only did them to survive, and it later put me in touch with my angel, Daz, who saved my life :)
      The things that they asked me to do were pretty bad. Within weeks I was addicted to heroine - within months I was bound to them by my addiction and by foolish misconceptions of their intent. They were druggies. I did take it willingly at first; for the first week of me staying there, they kept me locked inside. When I realised, I obviously tried to escape - that's how I got the scar on the inside of my thigh. But yeah - they kept me locked in, forced me to take heroine injections, and I was hooked. Then...they let me go - but I went back.

      I went back because - and I tell you this without a doubt - trying to quit an addiction is like trying to push a sky scraper over with a mini. It's's pure Hell. I have enemies and friends - and I would not wish it on either of them. I had a choice of returning to those guys to get more...or to die. Because I'd have killed myself.

      They used me for many things. I was their puppet, their play thing when they were bored. I was hooked on heroine completely, and because it owned me, they owned me. I had given up fighting. Given up everything, in fact. But I saw a child and his mother once, through the kitchen window out on the street underneath the tree that hung over the side-walk. It reminded me that I'd planned to have kids some day - three of them. Two girls and a boy. I wasn't gonna get that while I was stuck in that I left. I ended up leaving with quite a struggle. In fact it ended up with the guys getting pretty hurt - and me being messed up. But I left, and I continued travelling.

      It didn't last long..I was still addicted and went back to those guys. They took me back in - let's face it, I was their puppet, they could do what they wanted while I was addicted. But it didn't stay that way...Daz found me. I don't know what happened, I was out of it at the time. The last thing I remember of them was that I was sitting against the kitchen cupboards high as a kite, and then...I was in hospital. Some dude was sat next to me (which was Daz), who had brought me there, and said that I could stay with him a while. I did, and together we worked out where my grandpa was. I owe that dude my life. He helped me get over the addiction and everything. Without him, I'd be a ruin.

      Sometimes, no matter how dark your situation may seem, you must never, NEVER give up. There will always be something to come along and save you. Trust me.

      Much love from Anya x