too much bitching

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    • too much bitching

      ok long story.. when i was younger my mum used to make me take my cousin (grade below me) everywhere i went with my friends. they don't like her, they used to say shit about at lunch break when i was there which made me feel helpless and i'd feel stuck in the middle of it all. recently my cousin has turned into a whore and has cheated on many boys,it made me pretty angry so i went and ranted to my 'friend' about it all. cousin found out i called her a whore. i'm a coward and can't find the courage to talk to her about it so i jut aid i have said things about her before and told her about how my 'friend' and her boyfriend say things. now my friend and her boyfriend have turned against me. so basically i've got myself into a big mess and am too much of a coward to do anything about it please help :(
    • Re: too much bitching

      Firstly, i think you should not call your cousin whore. After all she is your cousin, and you are the person she cares. You shouldn't talk about her bad with others.

      But i know that in fact you hope your cousin becomes better, not like bitching.You should tell her your inner idea.And also you should talk with your friends and your cousin's boyfriend.
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    • Re: too much bitching

      I think you just need to sit down with your cousin and have a long talk with her. Either you guys go your seprate ways and make up. Then you need to do the same with your friend and her boyfriend. I think this is just a problem that has been created by keeping too much information and opinions bottled up, and now is the time to constructivly let it out.
    • Re: too much bitching

      I know it's going to be hard for you to do, but honestly telling your cousin what happened and why you did it is the best way out of this. Perhaps say something like, "I called you a whore because of some of the things you did...I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have judged you like that. I hope you can forgive me." Let her know, you know it was wrong of you to say that, and how you feel about it.

      Then, after that is done, telling your friend and her boyfriend you're sorry and that you came clean with your cousin and apologize to them is the next step. Again, just admit what you did was wrong. You might just gain their respect for it, because it is a very hard thing to do.

      In this situation, the best thing to do is just be honest with everyone, and own up to your mistakes. There's no other option that I see. You messed up, now you just have to clean it up. And it's okay that you messed up. Everyone does. Things just got out of hand a little, which happens a lot, and now you just have to say your sorrys, hope they forgive and try to move on whether they do forgive you or not.
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      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]