Break-up blues :(

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    • Break-up blues :(

      Me and my boyfriend broke up a few days ago, and although i did the breaking up, i can't stop crying!
      I can't even get out of bed without thinking about him, and i cant sleep for crying!
      I cant bare to eat anything either cause when i do i feel like its all going to com back up!
      What should i do? Help x
    • Re: Break-up blues :(

      Go do something that will you get your mind on him. Being active is one of the best ways to distract yourself. Avoid places where you two used to go. Do something that requires a moderate level of mental or physical engagement, not something like a movie because it allows your mind to wander. You could go swimming, running, visit the beach, work out at the gym, whatever you like to do that makes you work. Surround yourself with girl friends whenever you can.
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    • Re: Break-up blues :(

      its natural to be upset, its only been a few days, im in the same situation, me and my gf broke up about 3 weeks ago now, and at first i was doing ok, but not soo good now, but the thing with a break up is that it will be hard, it will be tough, you just need to keep your chin up, keep yourself occupied, go out with your friends, do something that you like to do, it helps soo much. all you can do is ride out the storm, its going to be long and hard, but just try and remember the good times, it does help, i dont know why ye broke up, but all you can do is try and look to the future, if you are in school, then focus on your studies, if you are involved in a sport then use that to focus, its good to have a goal, it keeps you from going insane. i hope it gets easier for you soon, i know it will, it will just take some time. if you need to talk privately my door is open. good luck girl, i hope this helped
    • Re: Break-up blues :(

      How long were you two dating? And what was the reason?
      Breakups are never easy though. The best thing you can do is go out and get your mind of things. Trust me when I tell you sitting around or being alone won't help the situation. It's only normal to still feel upset since it was just a few days ago, but with time everything will get better. :)