Acne make me crazy

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    • Acne make me crazy

      I got body acne since like I'm 14 .. I'm 21 now and.. hell.. it's not stopping comin' along.. and the worst part is that they left a lot of scars on my back ..

      I tried some products available.. but.. there's still no progress.. life gets worse with these scars .. :( so.. please.. do you have any idea how I can get rid of these scars.. and.. what I can do not to have scars after acne are gone?

      I mean.. what kind of foods can help me cure these scars on my body??? any ideas.. please?:cries:
    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      After I got rid of my severe acne, they told me the only way the scars could be removed quickly was through laser removal and resurfacing so I was like, " thanks."

      How long ago did your acne go away? My scars on my face took a year to a year and a half to go away.
      Golden Enterprises, Inc. - CEO
      Iconiplex, LLC - Managing Member
      Emerald Summit Capital Group, LLC - President
    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      Have you tried Witchhazel? I suffered from horrible acne from 13 to about 20, finally got rid of it with Witchhazel. Honestly.. It's all about repetition. If you don't treat it twice a day, EVERY-DAY, it's not gonna get better..
    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      Have you ever taken acne? Do you have personal experience with it? Have you ever watched TV and seen how every drug says something along the lines of, "Oh noes, you might die from this!"

      If you haven't fucking taking the damn drug, then don't tell someone who's probably fucking depressed from their acne that they shouldn't take one of the highest recommended drugs just because some people have side effects that others do not have, like with any drug. Especially if you haven't taken it. If you have, I'd like to know how fucked up your colon is? I took it and the worst things I ever had were nose bleeds and back pain.

      There are forums upon forums upon forums dedicated to this one drug because it has worked MIRACLES for people, made their lives so much better. Don't tell someone they shouldn't take a drug because of one article about it. This is like telling someone to never drive a car in their entire lives because you saw someone in a wreck on the side of the road.
      Golden Enterprises, Inc. - CEO
      Iconiplex, LLC - Managing Member
      Emerald Summit Capital Group, LLC - President

      The post was edited 2 times, last by artizhay ().

    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      artizhay wrote:

      Have you ever taken acne? Do you have personal experience with it? Have you ever watched TV and seen how every drug says something along the lines of, "Oh noes, you might die from this!"

      If you haven't fucking taking the damn drug, then don't tell someone who's probably fucking depressed from their acne that they shouldn't take one of the highest recommended drugs just because some people have side effects that others do not have, like with any drug. Especially if you haven't taken it. If you have, I'd like to know how fucked up your colon is? I took it and the worst things I ever had were nose bleeds and back pain.

      There are forums upon forums upon forums dedicated to this one drug because it has worked MIRACLES for people, made their lives so much better. Don't tell someone they shouldn't take a drug because of one article about it. This is like telling someone to never drive a car in their entire lives because you saw someone in a wreck on the side of the road.

      Oh, chill. It's not such a big deal(not referring to acne, i know it can be a big deal). yeah, every drug has potential side effects, it's just that these are kinda serious, and it's been getting publicised a lot on the t.v. I would'nt recommend it, but i'm not demanding that he not take or else he'll surely die. Just nice to know the risks.
      No need to get so upset, really not that serious of a comment.
      Edit: Oh, I did exaggerate. Sorry.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by inappropriate name - 2 ().

    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      Ok guys. He's asking what will get rid of scars. Accutane won't cure any scars anyway. It cures acne, so you don't develop more scars.

      My best advice, OP, is to go to's forums. They have everything known to man about cures, treatments, and whatnot there. You'll be so overloaded about all the possibilities that have now been lain before you.

      Your best bet, however, is to try internal treatments. When the body doesn't work correctly in purifying it of toxins, the skin takes over the job. Or get some blood work done, and rule out hormonal causes first.

      Unless you've exhausted every other option, it'll be harder to get Accutane out of a dermatologist. Because the side effects are so bad, they try to only give it to the worst of cases.
    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      Clear your acne first then worry about the scars. You oughta first find out whats causing the acne, lack of vitamin D(Sunlight), bad diet or just genetics. Then treat the scars, wait a couple years and if theres no progress on the scars fading naturally get laser treatment(All the 'creams' that claim to treat the scars cost more than the laser treatment)

      I have acne, and I still have it. Im sure mine comes from bad lack of sunlight and bad genetics since I allways get it more often in the winter, im not a couch potato but I dont tan... I'm going to try it soon as I can.
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Mr. Smuggles ().

    • Re: Acne make me crazy

      SecretB5StopsAcne wrote:

      The treatment of acne can be obtained by controlling your diet. Greasy, oily and fried food causes acne formation on the skin. High carbohydrate diet leads to increased levels of insulin in the blood, which results in a series of hormonal changes that can lead to blockage of the pores. By improving your diet you may cure your acnes.

      .. Thats not true. There are different types of acne and different causes of acne. Foods are only one of those causes and they are not the most common cause for most people. If foods were such a common cause, than the majority of people with acne wouldn't just grow out of it between 18-20 years of age, and it would stay with them for many, many years. Genetics plays into it a lot, on top of hormone levels and quite a few others.