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    • Please help me, i need to know anything you know about adhd. Be it rumours, myths and truths please post. If anyone has any idea on how there minds work how ever fage please tell me andyone dating someone with adhd or bestfriends with it? please. My best friend/on and off exboii has it and i wanna understand him more and i wanna be able to help him xxx
      Thank yous
    • Simply put, ADHD is a disorder that your diagnosed with if you have trouble sitting still and focusing on something for a long period of time (long in this case being like 30min+).

      As far as what he's taking for it, weather it be adderall, or concerta, they're all amphetamines, which help you focus, and as a side-effect reduce fatigue.

      It's actually a very common practice for college students to take these pills / tablets even if their not prescribed them, to help them study and work. I myself have taken adderall and concerta, and I can say that they are amazing because they make you want to be really productive, and give you so much energy, weather you want to go biking 20 miles, or you need to sit still and read an entire book.
      and then

      The post was edited 1 time, last by recondinent ().

    • recondinent wrote:

      Simply put, ADHD is a disorder that your diagnosed with if you have trouble sitting still and focusing on something for a long period of time (long in this case being like 30min+).
      That's pretty much everyone ever. How many people can really sit and pay full attention to something incredibly boring, whether it be class or a board meeting? I dunno, I guess ADHD could exist in extremes, but I'm not really a fan of its practical existence. I think it's mostly bullshit.
