shes sending me mixed signals..

    • shes sending me mixed signals..

      so i met a girl in south carolina on vacation. when i met her i found out she lived only 45 minutes away in ohio! so as you could imagin i was pumped. shes 16 i just turned 17. she has her license ill have mine in a few days. shes established with me that she likes me and i have as well with her. she just told me that shes iffy about dating because of our distance and that we might not have time for eachother.weve hongut 5 times and had a great time, we keep it as 'friends' now we hangout ive hugged her but not kissed her. she said shes not against kissing she just would prefer to be dating the perso becasue in her past she kissed guys she was interested in and they never ended up asking her out which bugged her. im suprizing her the day i get my license by driving down to her house that day, then the next day shes coming to my teen bodybuilding show and the weekend after that im going to a church meeting for three days that she invited me to. how can i convince her that there will be time and that im more than willing to be the one driving to her? i like her alot and im sick of being only her friend...should i talk to her about it in person the next time i see her? or just let it go smoothly and talk to her when im spending the three days wiht her on the church meeting?
    • Re: shes sending me mixed signals..

      It sounds like she wants to try but she's afraid it won't work. And that's a fair concern to have. So I'd say just go through the next few things and let her see that you're willing to try for her. Then if she's still not sure, talk to her and assure her you really want this.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: shes sending me mixed signals..

      Let her know all of what you just said. Next time you see her, tell her that you really want to be out of the friend stage with her. Give her examples of what you'd do to help make it work, to reassure her that you've thought this through and it's not just your feelings taking action without working it out in your mind first.

      I think that if you let her know how it could work out, she'll come around. Maybe not right away when you bring it up, and if so, just start doing those things to show her you're trying. Like driving to see her, making time in your schedule for her. If you do that, and she likes you, I'm pretty sure in time she'll come around.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: shes sending me mixed signals..

      I will warn you that long term relationships SUCK. 100% serious there. you may wish to stay friends and just be "reserved" until its more convinient. if you do get together, then I will give you this advice: there will be time as long as you MAKE IT. It will take a great deal of effort and planning to make sure you see each other regularly. I get to see Ma Cherie every week at least, and usually more and it still sucks... And she's 12 minutes drive from my house. Its a big decision. either way, Good Luck!
    • Re: shes sending me mixed signals..

      I'm going to disagree, if you actually are serious about someone, distance isn't that big of an issue. Forty-five minutes isn't the end of the world, but it's not short either. If BOTH of you aren't absolutely sure you want this, then there's no way it can work. Right now she seems really apprehensive, so the only thing you can do is spend as much time as you possibly can with her; give her a reason to believe that this can actually happen. The odds are against you right from the very beginning, but what have you really got to lose?
    • Re: shes sending me mixed signals..

      The way I see it, you said it perfectly your self. "i like her a lot and i am sick of only being her friend" to the point and shows your commitment.
      But look, I suggest you just tell her you want to give it a shot. After all...45 minutes is not really a long distance relationship 8|
      whats the worst that could happen? You guys are not getting married. If something does not work out you can simply agree to stay as friends...AT LEAST until you go to the same college or something. you got this man
      The King of Mind-Fuck