Bioshock, anyone?

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    • Bioshock, anyone?

      I have to say, The Bioshock series is one of my all time favorite Game series. I have played 1&2 well over 10 times and I am so stoked about Bioshock:Infinite coming out in 2012 *UGH what a long wait lol*

      Anywho, I was wondering if there are any other people who share in the love for all things Bioshock...Tell me what your favorite parts are :p
      [SIZE="2"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Magenta"]I get the feeling that I’m not home yet.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    • Re: Bioshock, anyone?

      I only played the first Bioshock. I admit it is a well designed game with brilliant graphics, excellent sound effects, intense action and a deep story. I do love Bioshock, but I never really saw the massive hype surrounding it.
      One thing I do not like about it was that the game could be confusing at times. I got completely lost on two occasions, and I lost track of the story half way.
      But other than that, it is a brilliant shooter none-the-less, and the developers have done a fantastic job. As for me, meh, I'm not a huge fan, but I appreciate a good game when I see it, but I prefer more action packed shooters.
    • Re: Bioshock, anyone?

      Hah, I tried to play Bioshock when it came out on the ps3 and got bored around the part where you're taking photos for Peach Wilkins. I went and bought it again yesterday to give it another chance and realized I didn't have the difficulty up enough. HARD MODES FTW!!!


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