First ever date

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    • First ever date

      So here is the skinny. I am nineteen and never been on a date before ( haha get your laughs out lol) mainly due to the fact that I am extremely shy. Well I have a first ever date coming up and I am completely nervous as to what to say to her. I have no issue with just being me however I am not exactly a conversationalist. I don't want the entire date to consist of "sure is nice weather we are having" so any tips would be much appreciated!
    • Re: First ever date

      2 things first:

      1) there is nothing wrong with going on a first date at 19, nothing at all and dont let anybody tell you different.

      2) try not overthink this too much as that will only make it harder, just be yourself, let it come naturally, she needs to like you for who you are if you want this to work, just dont overthink this because it will put too much pressure on you, try distract yourself and think about this as little as possible.
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    • Re: First ever date

      Robbin_son1991 wrote:

      So here is the skinny. I am nineteen and never been on a date before ( haha get your laughs out lol) mainly due to the fact that I am extremely shy. Well I have a first ever date coming up and I am completely nervous as to what to say to her. I have no issue with just being me however I am not exactly a conversationalist. I don't want the entire date to consist of "sure is nice weather we are having" so any tips would be much appreciated!

      You have to overcome that fear. Being shy will limit you in life. So kill that shyness away. And also conversation will limit you. Go upto your mirror and talk to yourself. Make a conversation interesting.
    • Re: First ever date

      Well you already worked up the courage to ask her out right? AND she said yes right? The absolute hardest part is done. Think of it this way: you already passed the exam, all you have left is like a few days worth of school and you are in for a great summer holiday.
      You dont have to be shy. Sometimes shy is cute but not to the point where it looks like you have no self esteem. Know what I mean? And never think "omg what am I gonna say" you can never "plan" a conversation. Mainly because a conversation always "flows". Different topics come out and some of them just pass through others get emphasized on. As i said, she does not mind talking to you as she likes you because she already agreed to go out on a date with you. If you have no idea how to start, remember a few things you and your friends did, the stupid/funny stuff. Tell her that story, ask a few questions about that story and so on. It will just grow, you got this man dont worry!
      The King of Mind-Fuck
    • Re: First ever date

      Robbin_son1991 wrote:

      So here is the skinny. I am nineteen and never been on a date before ( haha get your laughs out lol) mainly due to the fact that I am extremely shy. Well I have a first ever date coming up and I am completely nervous as to what to say to her. I have no issue with just being me however I am not exactly a conversationalist. I don't want the entire date to consist of "sure is nice weather we are having" so any tips would be much appreciated!

      Definitely nothing wrong with a first date at 19.

      She obviously likes who you are, or she wouldn't be going on a date with you. Keep that in mind for everything, don't try to be someone else. Just let the conversation flow, stay away from religion, politics, money, etc. Just asking for trouble, unless you guys agree on that sorta stuff and you know that for a fact. Don't let either one of you talk the whole time. Ask her questions about what she said, it shows interest. Then just be polite obviously.

      Good luck! :)
    • Re: First ever date

      Well I also had this problem when I was in 5th grade. Lol First date ever I failed epicly. It wasn't cute, it was more pathetic. Try talking about some interesting things you did. A date I had in 7th grade with this girl, I was nervous. After hanging with her, just having small talk in a starbucks, we walked out and I just started to go on about some funny things I did with my brothers. She kept asking questions and I kept answering. it went on like that for the rest of the night. Im sure if you can just find a reason to say something about a experience, the conversation will turn into funny inside jokes and some fun things you can talk about.

      - Agito
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