Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

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    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      jesss wrote:

      I dont think so, I think it just depends on what you say in the messages like:

      What are you doing right now?Where are you?Who are you with?When are going to be back home?


      Hey! :) How are you? What are you up to? Oh that's really cool! etc etc etc.

      The first batch of questions would definatly get annoying on a daily basis. But I think that if you keep the conversation light then keep it light and if he wants to get more into it then thats a sign that you should get more into it, if that makes sense.

      Hope that helped :)

      Agreed 100%. It has alot to do with the type of communication between both of you. Putting a chain on him, will only make him annoyed. Instead, try to give him what he wants, a conversation. :)