Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

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    • Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      My guy & I have only just gotten to the "I like you a lot" stage and I happen to trade Direct Messages over twitter with him everyday. Usually it's 5-8 messages, I find out how he's doing & stuff. Some days it's 20-30 messages (but that's flirty discussions.)

      We have a long distance relationship & I miss him a lot when I don't message him (Im usually the one that messages first) ... Am I being needy or clingy by doing this??

    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      Kat_B wrote:

      My guy & I have only just gotten to the "I like you a lot" stage and I happen to trade Direct Messages over twitter with him everyday. Usually it's 5-8 messages, I find out how he's doing & stuff. Some days it's 20-30 messages (but that's flirty discussions.)

      We have a long distance relationship & I miss him a lot when I don't message him (Im usually the one that messages first) ... Am I being needy or clingy by doing this??


      Yes, it is. As a guy, I have been in situations like this. And when a girl texts me or calls me or emails me on a daily basis. It gets tiring and pressures the guy to find a closer broad that lives near. Reason being is us guys don't like to think. And most girls ask shit on texts and emails and on phones, and it comes to the point where the guy is like, shit, this broad talk too damn much and ends up cheating with a new girl that will be the g/f eventually. So while he cheats, he will ignore your calls, miss an email and text and shit like that. Basically, he won't give a fuck. But he will try to have two pussies, but eventually choose the pussy that is closer.
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      I'm probably not the "relationship expert" or anything, but I've been in some online relationships before. The most serious one lasted about 6 months, and he was going to come see me in about a month, but I broke up with him.

      The reason I think most long distance relationships fail is because both people have different ideas of how serious they want the relationship to be. You have to know, how serious he is and he has to know how serious you are about him.

      Being in a relationship like this takes a lot of commitment, and if you're committed and he's not, there's a chance you'll get hurt. It's not often that I agree with MVP (:p) but he makes a point (because guys have the tendency to be piggish) that if he gets bored he'll find someone else.

      I personally, don't think you're being clingy, but it depends who's view you're looking at it from. Guys and girls have a usually have a different opinion of clingy. If you think you're driving him away then cut down on how much you talk to him a little, or at least don't always talk to him first. But be careful, because he might think that means you're getting sick of him, or something.

      Good luck.
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      well it depends on how he feels, like long distance is hard, ive been in one, and getting a text/message from your gf does help. but are you the only one sending the texts?? like it can become a bit overwhelming at times when a girl does text you alot, but it honestly depends on the guy, some guys love that, others hate it, maybe tone it down for a week or so, but in my opinion, i dont think you are being too needy or clingy, because speaking from experience, you need to send alot of texts because as heather has said, communication is key if a long distance relationship is going to work. best of luck :)
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      pat93 wrote:

      Give it maybe two days without starting the conversation, and see if he starts it. If not maybe ask him about it. Only he knows what he thinks.

      No! Do not ask him about it. If she does that, she is gonna seem more needy than she already is. Do not ask him about it! He will then be careful and end up hurting her more in the long run. NEVER GIVE A GUY A CLUE THAT YOU NOTICE SOMETHING IS WRONG.

      ---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

      Just take it into consideration and when you decide to break it off with him, you will have your reasons. Like I said, initiate the convo one week. Then the next week, if he doesn't say shit, you continue the routine, 3rd week initiate it. And then if he does not initiate the 4th week, continue the 5th week with the initiation. At least you tried with the relationship. And in the email, mention....I miss you John Doe.
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      ANTI CONDOM wrote:

      No! Do not ask him about it. If she does that, she is gonna seem more needy than she already is. Do not ask him about it! He will then be careful and end up hurting her more in the long run. NEVER GIVE A GUY A CLUE THAT YOU NOTICE SOMETHING IS WRONG.

      This is true, there is chance for backfire. You should be able to talk in a relationship though. That's kinda where I was going with it. If you can't talk about something like that then how would you for really big issues?
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      So i didn't really read what anybody else posted before me, but if he does like you, he's going to love that he sees your messaging him everyday. He'll know you really like him. Just don't be needy. What you send will determine if your needy or not. Being needy is just pouring out your problems to him, so don't do that. Otherwise, be flirty. He'll like that. And if your not going to see him ever, I would get over him and move on.
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      Wow, took a while to read all those.

      Okay, first off, I know exactly how you feel! Same bloody situation. But that's by the by.

      I'm not sure i totally agree with the 'anti-condom' man who types in irate fonts. The best thing is to leave off messaging for a day, see how he reacts. Also, it'll give you both a break. Asking him is also an option, but while asking him his honest opinion is fine, don't bee childish about it. Guys, as a rule, get annoyed by whiny girls (something to do with attention span... ;)). Keep it light. As previously said, communication is key! If he can't keep up with the long-distance thing, then he may just not be ready or suited for that sort of thing (or he may be just a tosser XD) not everybody can be as commited in these things. Life goes on - keep smiling! ^_____^

      best of luck to you, darling!
      [SIZE=2]Come on, seriously, would I lie to you?[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=1]...don't answer that.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      I dont think so, I think it just depends on what you say in the messages like:

      What are you doing right now?Where are you?Who are you with?When are going to be back home?


      Hey! :) How are you? What are you up to? Oh that's really cool! etc etc etc.

      The first batch of questions would definatly get annoying on a daily basis. But I think that if you keep the conversation light then keep it light and if he wants to get more into it then thats a sign that you should get more into it, if that makes sense.

      Hope that helped :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm urgin' all daughters to kiss they mothers, with those lips that all that lipstick covers, your never to grown up to miss and hug her♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Is messaging him everyday being needy/clingy??

      it can been seen as clingy. i think you need to find out how he feels about it.
      the best thing you can do is talk about it with him, and clear it up or you will never know for sure.

      if you are the one always messaging him first, maybe you should wai until his messages you once in a while, just so you know he actually interested in conversation with you.

      ps. long distance relationships are difficult and offten times not worth it, so think about it. you may have a chance with a guy who you can spend time with and who would almost always message you first.