Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

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    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Number Juan wrote:

      But the thing is bathrooms are not a place where you go to see other people showering. It's a place in which you go to do your business. Maybe that's why this issue is not really given much importance?
      I don't think it's a matter of going to see others showering. A lot of couples like to shower together, and if they're using, say, dorm bathrooms or something, they can't EVER do that. A gay or lesbian couple could whenever they want, but straight couples wouldn't be able to do that.

      I'm not saying it's a huge deal. I'm just saying it's not about discrimination or intolerance as some people have suggested.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Number Juan wrote:

      But the thing is bathrooms are not a place where you go to see other people showering. It's a place in which you go to do your business. Maybe that's why this issue is not really given much importance?

      So then you're saying guys and girls should not have separate bathrooms, as well, correct?
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    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      GlitzFairy wrote:

      I don't think they need their own bathroom, it's not that serious.
      I don't think the OP is saying they need it or that it's serious. He's just putting the question out there to make people think about it in a way in which they hadn't before.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:

      It's not a matter of feeling uncomfortable (at least not as the OP approached the situation). The only problem with it he had is that gays therefore CAN share showers with their sex of choice, but men and women can't. That is, Steve and Jake can share a shower, but Mike and Stacey can't. He's not saying Steve and Jake shouldn't be able to share the shower, he's saying that, in the interest of fairness, either everyone should be able to or no one should.


      Like RMG said... get over it :D In the majority of the world it's not allowed for same sex couples to marry or even in any way be viewed as a couple in the eye of the law. In some countries its straight forward illegal to be homosexual. In many countries there is no law to stop discrimination against GBLTQ people in areas such as employment, education etc. In a vast proportion of the world it's not legal for a gay person to adopt a child and in others it is legal for a gay individual but not a gay couple to adopt.

      I guess what I'm saying is that if you want to approach this issue this way... think about how much extra recognition and options are available to heterosexual couples... SO LET US FREAKIN' HAVE SOMETHING :p :rofl:

      I will also point out here... that the vast majority of gay guys don't go into bathrooms to stare at other guys junk... and besides even if they do I'm sure a lot of straight guys do it also. I also don't see public bathrooms etc as a place to hook up/ have secksy time...
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Albus Dumbledore ().

    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Bazinga! wrote:

      Like RMG said... get over it :D In the majority of the world it's not allowed for same sex couples to marry or even in any way be viewed as a couple in the eye of the law. In some countries its straight forward illegal to be homosexual. In many countries there is no law to stop discrimination against GBLTQ people in areas such as employment, education etc. In a vast proportion of the world it's not legal for a gay person to adopt a child and in others it is legal for a gay individual but not a gay couple to adopt.

      I guess what I'm saying is that if you want to approach this issue this way... think about how much extra recognition and options are available to heterosexual couples... SO LET US FREAKIN' HAVE SOMETHING :p :rofl:

      I will also point out here... that the vast majority of gay guys don't go into bathrooms to stare at other guys junk... and besides even if they do I'm sure a lot of straight guys do it also. I also don't see public bathrooms etc as a place to hook up/ have secksy time...
      Wow, you're a dumbass. Here, let's try this again:

      Me wrote:

      I don't think the OP is saying they need it or that it's serious. He's just putting the question out there to make people think about it in a way in which they hadn't before.
      Do I really need to dumb this down for you? I'll try.

      I don't care. OP doesn't care. No biggie. We just trying to see things differently. Okay?

      If you still can't figure that out, then you're shit outta luck and I'm not gonna waste any more of my time trying to explain anything to your highly unevolved brain. You'll simply exist as an inanimate object that I derive great pleasure from a toaster.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Okay, even if said bathroom(s) were to ever be created anyway, who's to say the gays are going to be using them, anyway? With how homophobic the world is today and ignorant they are about things (I see it in this thread from a couple people), bisexuals (omgz, we dun exist) and homosexuals wouldn't want to be segregating themselves to THAT bathroom, because it would automatically out them to everyone else. "Where's Timmy, he was in gym class, but he's not in the locker room... what gives... omg, FAG!!!!!?!/1!?1/1?"
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:

      Wow, you're a dumbass. Here, let's try this again:Do I really need to dumb this down for you? I'll try.

      I don't care. OP doesn't care. No biggie. We just trying to see things differently. Okay?

      If you still can't figure that out, then you're shit outta luck and I'm not gonna waste any more of my time trying to explain anything to your highly unevolved brain. You'll simply exist as an inanimate object that I derive great pleasure from a toaster.


      I see what you are saying perfectly well- I understand that you are trying to see things differently... perhaps for the sole purpose of the debate.

      What I don't however understand is why you had to attack my post that was obviously written as a tongue in cheek observation of the situation in discussion.

      I hope you feel super tough sitting behind your computer blasting and unnecessarily insulting people from behind the screen of anonymity just for hellsies.

      Using your words in a slightly more civilised way- "let's try and simplify it for you":
      If you can't realise that my post was tongue in cheek (see use of emoticons) and purposefully exaggerated for this purpose... then... well you need to focus more. (notice the absence of insults here?)
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Albus Dumbledore ().

    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      It wouldn't work.. how is one to tell who is gay if there are absolutely no physical indications.. why would someone be as forward as to out themselves in front of everyone? The idea is a bit absurd if you ask me.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Bazinga! wrote:

      I see what you are saying perfectly well- I understand that you are trying to see things differently... perhaps for the sole purpose of the debate.

      What I don't however understand is why you had to attack my post that was obviously written as a tongue in cheek observation of the situation in discussion.

      I hope you feel super tough sitting behind your computer blasting and unnecessarily insulting people from behind the screen of anonymity just for hellsies.

      Using your words in a slightly more civilised way- "let's try and simplify it for you":
      If you can't realise that my post was tongue in cheek (see use of emoticons) and purposefully exaggerated for this purpose... then... well you need to focus more. (notice the absence of insults here?)
      I was PMS-ing. :) Not really, I just don't care to explain myself. Easier just to blame that.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      Well, for all of you who are a bit scared of this possible situation, you should realize that many colleges and universities are starting to at least try out single bathrooms for everyone. I think that this is the right direction to go in. As a gay guy, I think it's quite strange that anyone would really have a problem with this. It's simply a matter of people's comforts.

      Where do comforts come from? What someone is used to. Get used to the idea that anyone of any gender and sex will be able to see you wash your hands and see you come out of a stall.. It's not really that difficult to imagine or to acclimate to and the benefits will be immense.

      Benefits: Breaking down of archaic gender binaries that confuse millions (if not more) children each year.

      To all of the people posting hateful or slightly ignorant comments (yes, that includes you guys saying you dont believe in bisexuality...etc): Read the Kinsey Report. It basically says that there is a sliding scale of sexuality. Barely anyone is fully gay or fully straight. Most people are somewhere in between. Society pushes us into categories to better control us and knows us.

      Everyone should probably think about how much better he would know himself if he could see himself without gender binaries and through a critical and open lense.
    • Re: Should homosexuals have their own bathrooms?

      No, homosexuals do not need their own bathroom and there should be no public co-ed bathrooms. For one, the same sex bathrooms make it less sexual as everyone's body looks more or less like yours, limiting their shock and interest value. Secondly, a man cannot get a man pregnant and a woman cannot get a woman pregnant. Homosexuals are in the minority whereas heterosexuals are the majority, there is less sexual tension in same sex bathrooms then there would be in a co-ed bathroom. People from more conservative backgrounds will generally frown on the idea of co-ed bathrooms, which could potentially take away business from a college and possibly attract more perverts. Finally, making a separate bathroom for homosexuals seems like a needless waste of space and money.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell

      The post was edited 1 time, last by isitso ().