Homosexual Marriage

    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      jerry wrote:

      I'd rep you but I can't, I completely agree with you here, however, awkward and stuff, growing up with a family in a home is better than growing up in a foster home.

      besides, I don't think a homosexual parent is going to be worse than a heterosexual dad. Like someone up there said, no responsible parent is gonna let your child walk in on you while having sex. regardless of their sexual preferences. they can still give the kid the love, home, feeling of belonging that he doesn't get from a foster home

      I've never said that being gay would make you a worse parent than being straight.

      I've only said that 2 males probably can't teach a girl certain things that the girl needs to know as they are not girls... They might be the BEST fathers in the world, yet if there is no mother figure ( an aunt, sister, whatever. She doesn't HAVE to have a mom.) then she probably won't be learning that. The reverse is also true.

      I could be wrong of course.
      Hello JC - Cade
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Number Juan wrote:

      I am against gay adoption in the sense that I think 2 gender parent adoption is better. It makes sense that personality and parenting instincts are more relevant than sexual orientation...
      In a perfect world, possibly. In other words, only on paper.

      As a whole, however, children that are raised by homosexual parents are just as healthy and "normal" as children raised by heterosexual one's.

      Number Juan wrote:

      Has the research followed the children into adulthood as well?
      From what I understand, the studies sort of deal with children growing into adults. The study uses the term "children" in the sense of the word "offspring," as opposed to an actual "child."

      Regardless, if children of homosexual parents are brought up to be as healthy as children raised by heterosexual parents, I don't see why anything would change as they mature into adulthood, unless there is hard evidence to the contrary.

      Number Juan wrote:

      I've only said that 2 males probably can't teach a girl certain things that the girl needs to know as they are not girls.
      Whatever that "thing" is that the girl will need to know, why will two fathers be incapable of teaching her? What sort of things are you referring to?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by LuklaAdvocate ().

    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Number Juan wrote:

      I've only said that 2 males probably can't teach a girl certain things that the girl needs to know as they are not girls... They might be the BEST fathers in the world, yet if there is no mother figure ( an aunt, sister, whatever. She doesn't HAVE to have a mom.) then she probably won't be learning that. The reverse is also true.

      And what about a single father? Do you think that if a child's mother has died or left the family, state welfare services should swoop in to take said child and settle them in a 'normal' male female parental situation? again- the reverse is also true.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Albus Dumbledore ().

    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Bazinga! wrote:

      And what about a single father? Do you think that if a child's mother has died or left the family, state welfare services should swoop in to take said child and settle them in a 'normal' male female parental situation? again- the reverse is also true.

      Nope I do not. Unless you are a bad parent, nobody should take your son/daughter away from you.
      Hello JC - Cade
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      I think that homosexuals should be allowed to marry.
      They're human beings like everyone else, so why can't they have a peaceful and happy marriage like everyone else?
      What if being gay was more common than being straight, and since you were straight (if you are), people started calling you abnormal and saying that you shouldn't be able to get married to the love of your life; Wouldn't be so happy about, would you?
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Darthnut wrote:

      I feel that gay marriage is wrong. PERIOD. Go ahead and hate me for it. I don't care. This is my opinion and nothing can change it.

      meh, you're entitled to that opinion... But seeing as you so kindly ask others to not hate you for it- just don't go hating on the GBLTQ community and their supporters for being pro gay marriage.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Darthnut wrote:

      I feel that gay marriage is wrong. PERIOD. Go ahead and hate me for it. I don't care. This is my opinion and nothing can change it.

      An opinion is one thing, but you have nothing to back it up. Besides, I doubt you could even build a mediocre argument with such a closeminded opening statement.
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      OK then. Marriage is a RELIGIOUS ceremony. And it is clearly defined as between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. Now I don't care if they want to be together (though it creeps me out a bit). Just don't call it marriage. Call it something else and don't get the church involved.
      "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Darthnut wrote:

      OK then. Marriage is a RELIGIOUS ceremony.

      Not necessarily.

      Darthnut wrote:

      And it is clearly defined as between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN.

      In the Bible perhaps (or maybe not) but that's irrelevant since not everyone who gets married goes by the Bible.

      Darthnut wrote:

      Now I don't care if they want to be together (though it creeps me out a bit)

      Get over it.

      Darthnut wrote:

      Just don't call it marriage. Call it something else and don't get the church involved.

      Marriage doesn't have to involve a church or any religious institution at all. As someone already mentioned, it's simply a celebration of love.
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Darthnut wrote:

      OK then. Marriage is a RELIGIOUS ceremony.
      To those who want it to be.

      We're not talking about what the church wants. If a church chooses not to marry two members of the same sex, that's their choice. Homosexual's, however, should have the right to marry under the eyes of the government. Marriage in the churches eyes is entirely different than what the government defines as marriage.

      Darthnut wrote:

      And it is clearly defined as between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN.
      Who defines it as one man and one woman?

      Darthnut wrote:

      Just don't call it marriage. Call it something else and don't get the church involved.
      We're not getting the church involved; nobody is forcing the church to marry a gay couple. We're referring to marriage in terms of a legal contract, not a religious one.

      Not to mention, if two men or woman love each other, there is absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be able to express it through marriage.
    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Darthnut wrote:

      OK then. Marriage is a RELIGIOUS ceremony.

      Not true. In the majority of the western world marriage is a legal union. Churches are extended the authority to wed couples by the state just like any non religious celebrant is. (at least this is the way it works in Australia)

      I will admit... in Aus at least the marriage act does state that marriage is a legal union between man and wife... but hey it wasn't really that long ago and the law also stated that women could not vote and that interracial couples could not marry.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Albus Dumbledore ().

    • Re: Homosexual Marriage

      Darthnut wrote:

      OK then. Marriage is a RELIGIOUS ceremony.

      Not necessarily. I see marriage as both a civil and legal partnership that involves a document which gives you and your partner curtain benefits and an expression of love. Marriage may have originated from religious roots, but there is more to it than just religion.
      I guess it depends on one's view. Some see it as religious, some don't.
      It is a religion's prerogative to allow same-sex marriage in their churches, but I believe it is immoral to deny a person the right to marry because of something so innocent.

      Darthnut wrote:

      And it is clearly defined as between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN.

      Again, it should not matter whether it is a man and a women, two men, or two women. Love is love.

      Darthnut wrote:

      Now I don't care if they want to be together (though it creeps me out a bit).

      Get over it.
      And if you don't care, why do you think they should not be allowed to marry?

      Darthnut wrote:

      Just don't call it marriage. Call it something else and don't get the church involved.

      1. Most people do not really care what it is called. People will refer to it as marriage anyway, whether it is politically correct or not. Marriage is just a noun. A word. Nothing more, nothing less.
      All homosexuals are worried about is the benefits with legal marriage, because they believe that it should be equal to that of heterosexual marriage. Other than that, they really could not give a fuck if it's called civil union or marriage.

      2. Like I stated above, it is a church's prerogative to accept same-sex marriage. However, some of us see marriage as a legal agreement rather than a religious ceremony. Because of that, our logic says that there is no valid reason to deny homosexuals the right to marry.