Need advice about high school

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    • Need advice about high school

      So this is probably the basis for every teen movie, but in real life we don't always get those happy endings.

      I'm a freshman in high school, last year in 8th grade I was looking forward to it sooo much but now that i'm here it's a hell hole.

      No, I'm not made fun of, a loner, emo, have no friends. Honestly, I'm just there. I have no idea what I'm there for, but I just show up and do what I'm supposed to.

      Lately I've just been feeling weird. I absolutely hate school, and everyone knows it. I'm sad, feel ugly, feel dumb, and I'm just roughing it out. I absolutely am hating freshman year when i should be having a good time.

      My cousin told me about how they went out all the time, lived it up, did everything i thought you were supposed to, yet I don't even want to go to homecoming. I don't know why, but I'm dreading going.

      I don't know if this has to do with anything but I'm getting a lot of headaches lately.

      To sum it up: I am a nobody.

      I guess I'm in that stereotype in high school where I have some friends, I don't have a style, I'm completely straight, and I'm just confused about what it's supposed to be like.

      Should I be doing more to try and make it more exciting?

      I really want a girlfriend, but the girls in my school are either really bitchy or really ugly. None of the hot girls even look at me. What happened to me? Do I suddenly seem like an alien? Because that's what it feels like. I really want to move away from where I live because it seems like girls in other towns think I'm date-able.

      I'm not satisfied with my life. I want more. I want to be popular, but I hate the people that are. I don't want to do drugs, smoke, drink, or anything. My semi-cool friends seem to have forgotten about me.


      (I think i might be depressed, but don't want to face it, how do I know?)
      (I'm terrible at sports, and I act, but not in school plays. I go on auditions and stuff for television and film)
    • Re: Need advice about high school

      Well first of all, in case you have this mindset, having a good time, living it up, and partying are not related to school. They're not even in the same section of life. You don't need to try to make school "more exciting," you need to focus on your work. First and foremost, before you find ways to have a good time, you need to address the more important issue of how you're just "roughing it out" at school. I don't care if it's boring or if you dislike it a lot, school is school; it's not supposed to be exciting, it's supposed to teach you, and that's more important than any party you'll ever go to.

      I think your "issue" is more of a social problem you have, not school being boring or not as fun as you heard it was. The first problem is that you're being arrogant and condescending to everyone. I'm guessing you find fault with everyone. According to you:

      • The pretty girls are always bitchy
      • Every other girl is so ugly
      • The popular people have all sorts of issues
      • Even your own friends are only "semi-cool"

      You need to fix how you look at people. Finding problems with everyone is never going to help you make friends or have a good time with people. If you have friends, appreciate them rather than viewing them as "semi-cool" people. You shouldn't judge people based on coolness or looks or whatever criteria you have.

      Once you get past that mindset, go out and mingle with people. Even if you don't want to, you'll end up having a good time if you make an effort to connect to others. I didn't want to go to homecoming or even prom, because they both seemed scary to me (though I don't think you're scared of them, I'm just using my own example), and I ended up having a good time regardless of the skepticism I was having beforehand. You have to make yourself do it.

      Plus, find people who are similar to you. Maybe join a film club at school. Sign up for a play or take classes in the drama department. It's much easier to have a good time with people who are similar to you.
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    • Re: Need advice about high school

      High good grades and all that jazz, but remember to keep an eye on your stress level. Last thing you need is a mental breakdown in the middle of lunch. Believe me, I know. Just chill your jets whenever you feel overwhelmed, and then keep your work as priority #1. #2 of course should be enjoying yourself. It's youth. Make it last. Span out.