GSA at my school

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    • Re: GSA at my school

      This school doesn't. The last school I went to did, and the few pro-LGBT things I remember us doing were a candlelight vigil and ally week. A lot of the times, we had discussions (how did you find out about yourself, what are the slurs and which ones do you dislike the most, how comfortable are you with blah blah blah, you get the point). The GSA was a great way for people to break out of their shells and speak about subject matter that some people cringe at.
      [CENTER]i found jesus
      in a gay bar.
    • Re: GSA at my school

      Ya at my high school they did the day of silence and that was the big one. This year they're doing the "It's okay to be..." where you write it on your arm and then follow it with whatever you want. It doesn't necessarily have to be LGBT stuff. Kinda like the write love on your arm thing. They also did movie nights every couple of weeks. Oh and I think there might of been a pink day where everyone would wear pink.
    • Re: GSA at my school

      My school has GSA. I have never gone to a meeting, but my friend has. She said that they mostly had like parties and watched movies. Oh and had discussions and what not. I totally support the idea and I think that it is the best idea for a club ever. If only everyone agreed.... (some stupid jerks at my school were ripping down the posters and stuff. i was so pissed when i found out)

      But anyway... My school also does the day of silence. I do it every year :D
    • Re: GSA at my school

      I wish I had a GSA at my school. :(
      Every time the topic of homosexuality comes up in the classroom, everyone is like:
      "EWW! GAY FAGZ"
      "Dis fokken messed up, bra!"
      "That's sick."
      Sigh, I give up with humanity.

      But back on topic. I think discussions, socials, watching films, discussions on gay-themed books, etc. are good things to do at a GSA.