She has a bf already :( What should I do?

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    • She has a bf already :( What should I do?

      Okay just to fill you all in with the background details first. All the time I was in school I used to be the short skinny social outcast. Even I think I was a complete tool back then now I look back on myself. I always used to be rediculously nervous around girls.

      Then I went to college (if anyone in America is reading this, then just to avoid confusion I'm talking about High School) and my confidence grew around girls by the lorry load. I still didn't have much luck romancing girls though as despite the fact I had a massive growth spurt (over the summer holidays I literally went from 5"10 to 6"2) I was still skinny as hell so I always went in to what I now fondly refer to as "The Friend Zone".

      I toned up loads after college finished and actually ended up getting somewhere with girls. I finally lost my virginity (although it was over a very drunk night and definately wasn't with anyone special - which tbh I kinda regret a bit) although I was by no means what some people call "a player".

      I started university last year and straight from the very first lecture I had I noticed one girl in particular who quite literally looks flawless but I didn't get to talk to her until about 5 months later. Between the time I first saw her and the time I first talked to her though I turned in to a bit of a douche and would pick up at least one girl a week in a night club and we would go back to hers or mine for a bit of fun - I actually ended up becoming quite good at it lol.

      After befriending a few of her friends first (who have actually turned in to some of my best mates) to try and found out what she was like, I eventually got round to speaking to the gorgeous girl from my univeristy (who I will from now on refer to as Sarah - although just to keep it clear, that's not her actual name). Everything started out going really well until I quickly learned from her that she had a long term bf (literally been going out with him for a few years - he is her first), wasn't big on hugs or drinking and put literally every guy friend she encountered in to "the friend zone".

      Even though I initially wanted her as just another "notch on the bed post" I've actually ended up liking her more then any other girl. She's pretty, funny, smart, hard working and we always have a good laugh with eachother. Initially I thought I had just ended up in "the friend zone" (I even asked a her best friend last year and she said Sarah hadn't mentioned anything about me) but after coming back to university I'm not so sure now.

      I've started noticing that even when there is a room full of people to talk to she will always talk to me and focus literally just on me. When we are out having a drink she will always try and sit right next to me or directly opposite me. When we are out in nightclubs she always hangs next to me all night. I'm the only other guy apart from her bf who she will hug - recently shes even started kissing me on the cheek which she NEVER does to anyone. She even compares me to her bf on the odd occasion. A couple of mutual friends have even said that when Im around she smiles a lot more and generally seems happier - on one night in London a while ago thought that she was in to me.

      If this was any other girl I was talking about I would risk it even though she has a bf but I genuinely care about her and want her to be happy (even if that's not with me). I've met her bf a couple of times and from what I hear he treats her quite badly but for some reason she practically worships the ground he walks on. She's even said on one occasion that she would never cheat on her bf because she loves him too much.

      I've bulked up recently a fair bit though as I've been going to the gym every single day and have put on over a stone in muscle and Sarah seems to be more interested then ever. We went out the other night with a few friends to a few nightclubs and over the course of the night a couple of girls came over and on both occasions, by looking at some pictures of the night, you can clearly see Sarah giving them the evil eyes. I even ended up getting randomly snogged by one and got a bit carried away after the girl grabbed my cock and ended up undoing her bra with one hand. Fuck knows why but I ended up staying with Sarah instead of going off with the girl.

      I'm having lunch with her best friend next week to find out if Sarah's said anything about me. I don't want to seem big headed but I'm pretty sure from Sarah's behaviour that she likes me but maybe just doesn't know that she likes me herself...or doesn't like the idea of cheating and wants to be absolutely certain before she dumps her bf.

      I've got in too deep to try any of my usual lines on her and if I'm gonna be honest I want more then just a one nighter with her. I desperately want to hear what anyone else thinks about the situation before I see her friend next week.

      Do you think Sarah feels the same about me? If you think she does, what should I do about it?
    • Re: She has a bf already :( What should I do?

      Well thats not alot u can do unless they brakeup. It is possible she likes you if she compares you to him and the fact she hugs and kisses you, or this could just mean she see you as one of her best male friends and is just comfortable around you, which means your never going to have a chance, all you can really do till the brake up is wait.

      And some of the reson you only have one comment now is your story is long and not ever one want to read something that long