US Education System

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    • Re: US Education System

      I, like someone else on this board, agree that school should stop focusing on the dumb students and allow students to risk going into more advance classes. Also, schools need to stop looking down on students as if we are all care-free, education-hating, pop-culture-loving cogs. I cannot stress enough how contradictory teachers and guidance counselors are when they talk about bettering yourself but do not allow you to take any risk. As if they know you better than you do. :rolleyes:

      School STILL makes it out that points are more important than knowledge. That you are only intelligent if you are in AP or honors classes and get straight A's or A's & B's. This is all false and harmful. They do not challenge kids enough and the only thing I see it encouraging is stupidity and conformity. Intelligent students are a few (the majority of the students in AP and honors classes are GPA whores who care more about remembering information to excel on test and throwing the knowledge out later. A lot of them are actually pretty simple-minded and dumb.) Standardize testing is also another harm. It is dehumanizing and makes students feel they are not intelligent if they fail. There is way too much focus on these test, the test should be used less often.

      Propaganda spouting is yet another serious problem in school. A lot of teachers haven't gotten passed the mindset that just because the government says whatever that it is true. I hate sitting in class hearing rumors about drugs in health class, I hate hearing about the evils of communism and socialism in history when discussing the Soviet Union, as if they were truly following those ideologies. :rolleyes: There simply is not enough analysis and exploring the other side. There seems always implications from teachers that "hey, we know you won't research this, you are too dumb and will always be that way."
    • Re: US Education System

      I enjoyed school a lot. I was really lucky because I went to quite a big school so the subject choice was MASSIVE. And i got involved in a lot of extracuricula music and social activities so it wasn't all work and no play.

      The one thing I would change about the education system in Australia is the way in which funding is allocated. The government provides funding for both public (state) schools and private or religion affiliated schools. I can understand providing a bit of funding to these private schools, but in Australia 2 thirds of the federal government school funding goes to the private schools which educate roughly one third of the countries students. I think this is excessive and unfair.

      Another thing is I think the government should provide more funding for the arts in schools. A big part of my school life was dedicated to music subjects and extracurricular music. We watched as new building were built or buildings renovated for every other department in the school except the music department. As the music education program expanded and grew rapidly our classrooms and practice/performance spaces remained unchanged and incredibly inadequate. We worked out the school and government spent in excess of 20 million Australian Dollars on the sporting department over the 5 years I was there and yet the music departments request for just over 3 million in funding to build a new learning and performance block that would suit our needs was continuously knocked back every year for those 5 years.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      Now i'm given the chance to think about it, i can't come up with anything. Ah yes, the food is ridiculously overpriced. When i was in year 7 a peice of toast was 15p, now it's 35p. Burgers were 75p, now they're £1.25. Is crazy

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      I don't even think there are private schools in my area, haven't heard of one before.

      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?

      I learn best when i'm learning about an interesting subject that i like, that doesn't have idiots pissing around trying to annoy everyone, i like things to be serious but have some humour.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?

      I don't believe it is possible for my school to be fun.

      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.

      Because then we would have way to many people right down at the bottom, and nobody would be at the top. The exams in the past have all been really low in marks.

      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?
      Either that or never learn, information has to come from a source.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: US Education System

      I'm on my phone so I can't answer all the questions but some people are placed by skill, not age. I'm 15 in the 11th grade, youngest in my class, just turned 15 in in Sept and I was skipped up based on skill not age. I know s friend of mine ago graduated at 13 years old and is not getting hands on experience in her field of study (she chooses to be a dog trainer/behaviorist) and seeing as she is graduated she can get the experience she needs before going to school at 17.

      I know plenty of people who were skipped up or help back based on comprehension not age.

      - Kiae
    • Re: US Education System

      Lipican wrote:

      Well in my country school system is a little diffrent than USA and i believe most of the school systems in Europe are the same?
      We don't have Elementary and Middle school but:

      • - Elementary school (9 years)
      • - High school or Gimnazija (3-4 years)
      • - College or University (4-... years)

      Anyway we start elementary at the age of 5/6 usually we did at the age of 7. Than we have 9 years of elementary school. We don't take every class with diffrent students. We have sections in grade for example: in elementary there are usually 2 sections in each grade:
      EXAMPLE:(1. grade) 1.A, 1.B, 1.C (2. grade) 2.A, 2.B, 2.C

      each from about 20-25 pupils. If you start in the A section you continue your schooling in the A section. The sections usually arent that diffrent in elementary school, sometimes C section is alittle harder.

      In high school or Gimnazije we have about 5-6 sections:
      EXAMPLE: (10. grade or 1.letnik) 1.A, 1.B, 1.C, 1.D, 1.E, 1.F,
      with 30-35 students in each grade.

      In 7. grade you grades start to count as points for High schools and Gimnazije. Your end grade in a subject needs to be A if u want to get 5 points. B for 4 points and so on. If you have for example: 2 subjects B in the end you get 2 points less than you would get if you would have all A.

      Anyway whats a Gimnazija? Its a high school where the education system is advanced and its you could say a higher education high school. Other high schools usually teach for 1 or 2 perfesions like a chef, economys,...

      So in the end of 9. grade we have "Eksterci" which is a test that will help you get to the high school you want to. Than you apply to the high school or Gimnazija you want to go. Usually the max for a high school is about 180-210, depending on the sections. For Gimnazija you usually choose a second language beside english and slovenian. If you take french you get into D section usually, german is usually F and B, A is usually the math section.

      In the end of Gimnazija or High school we have Matura which is a final exam from 5 subjects (Math, Slovenian, English + 2 you choose by yourself) and the score you get on Matura is the score that will or will not get you to the University you want to go.

      well thats for short, if anyone wants to know more just ask hah.

      You British Indians need to get laid.
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    • Re: US Education System

      (I've had US education since age 11)

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)

      More emo/scene girls.

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.

      [ame=]YouTube - Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES[/ame]

      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?

      You learn something the best if you understand it fully. That's why I don't like public education in that sense, especially with schools that have too many students; teachers can't spend enough time or attention for a student who has a hard time understanding certain things.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?

      Nothing. School is a place to learn. You can have enough fun during breaks.

      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.

      Because then too many people would never graduate. (Refer to video posted earlier)

      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?

      You get wiser as you age. Too many teens prefer the easy way and slack off on a daily basis, which is why you see so many dumb cunts in this world.
      Have you ever seen an old person that's dumber than, say, Snooki? Probably not, because they learned life the hard way and have more discipline than most of you.
      [SIZE=3]Allow me to hold your[/SIZE] [SIZE=1](the ignorant masses and hordes of uncouth)[/SIZE][SIZE=3] face under the putrescent waters of knowledge[/SIZE]
    • Re: US Education System

      Ahahaha I love that video. the Chaser NoN-stop News Network (CNNNN) is awesome!!! The Chasers actually went to the university I'm studying at.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]