ask me anything, i never lie.

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    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      Of course we could, and all the great ones in history were generaly insane, so...we're gonna be in books :O OMG fuck yea !

      FYI , its 2 am here and i ahve to get up at 6 am... so, goodbye everybody! and goodbye hun :) goodbye sidekick ^^ se you all tomorrow ^ ^ no sex when in gone, ok?!?! :O gnight
      “I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then prehaps I should, so that other giraffes may die”
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      Fall Out Boy <3 love that band haha.

      Haha I'm sure you're an amazing worker. See, if we work together, we can create a singularity to an alternative universe similar to the one that began our own, and the explosion that is created when it comes into action will be enough to engulf the world in destruction. However, modify its atomic structure and we can customise it to only target normal people, thus eliminating them :)

      I have way to much time on my hands........

      The sun's exploding again? That's okay - our weirdness means that we are immune to any form of consequence of it. We have like...natural...heat giving...stuff...
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Northern Prophet ().

    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      I was referring to falloutboy in the simpsons show ^^ If you know who that is? Cause I am radioactive man!

      And about that explosion, we can just take every weird person on the planet, that being you and me, and put them(us) into a jar of strawberryjam, cus the jam protects from everything, cus its freakin jam! And thus, the problem is solved!

      Cool, well, we both know im radiating heat, but you, on the other hand, you were xD hahahahah :D
      “I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then prehaps I should, so that other giraffes may die”
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      Haha I know you were, I just love the band too :D It's alright for you, you get to be the big muscle red guy - I'm the little nerdy sidekick >.> Haha.

      Yeah that idea is actually more genius than the whole re-building a singularity to an alternative universe. Just hide in jam!! That is...if I can refrain from eating it...

      LOL @ the hot part :D You should use that on the ladies ;) And obviously you're radiating heat, so if it comes to the worst, I'll just climb in your hair and warm up. <3
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      Hahah, well that fits right in then? ^^ You being the nerdy one :P :D Bu I dont know about me xD

      The thing is, the jam is filled with too much sugar, so when you start eatin it, you'll feel so hyper, you'll forget about the jam!

      Haha, yea ^^ Btw, arent you a "lady"? :O Well, if you have to warm up in my hair, take care of it :O...(a)
      “I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then prehaps I should, so that other giraffes may die”
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      I am in fact a lady, but there are specific aspects about myself that makes such charm deflect. Namely the fact that I, too, am likely to use similar phrases on other ladies.

      I actually just went and bought some jam and I'm sitting here eating it with crackers :D <3 I'm gonna be off my face on sugar!! xx <3
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      Haha (Y) So, if a lady uses that kind of charmes, on a lady that uses it herself, she'll get no "result"? ^^

      O_O Jam and crackers or death! Sugar-rush<3<3 It's good that you're practicing beforehand!
      “I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then prehaps I should, so that other giraffes may die”
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      no thankyou(:

      ---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

      sam-d-man wrote:

      How often do you pleasure yourself?

      like twice a week.

      ---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

      Sharxbyte wrote:

      you just opened a can of worms xD

      have you ever looked at a girl and been even slightly attracted? if you fantasized, what about?

      yess,, & hooking up, full outt.

      ---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

      Sarah wrote:

      This is a serious question.

      WHY would you make this thread. You have no idea what you've done. Guys on this forum are weird, you'll be at this for days.

      just for fun?(:

      ---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

      Knitler wrote:

      Have you ever ate a bunch of fruit loops then threw it up on your lover and had sex?

      can't say that i have lmao

      ---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

      Sandwhich wrote:

      Do you stay up late at night wondering about String Theory?

      well considering idk what the "string theory"

      ---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      what is the meaning of life?

      to have fun while it lasts(:
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      T-Pain wrote:

      What's the purpose of life?

      to have fun while it lasts(: even though i just answered this in different words haha

      ---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

      yahfree wrote:

      Do you love me? haha

      you have no idea<3

      ---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

      Hank5 wrote:

      Ask me nothing, I always lie.

      PS Now sort that statement out....

      its all a lie.

      ---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

      rosenrot wrote:

      Have you ever really lied? .. I'm sure you have :)

      ofcourse i have before,, but i hate it. i dont do it anymore unless its something sneaky my mum cant know aboutt :X

      ---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

      ~ Valentina ~ wrote:

      Why did you create such a thread?

      just for funn :D

      ---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

      Northern Prophet wrote:

      I have two questions.

      1 - If a wise monkey never monkeys with another monkey's monkey, then what happens when another monkey's monkey monkeys with the wise monkey? Does the wise monkey monkey with the other monkey's monkey, or does the wise monkey stick to his moral standards and the laws of monkeys and refrain from monkeying with the other monkey's monkey that is monkeying with the wise monkey?

      the wise monkey will never monkey with ANY monkey no matter what!
    • Re: ask me anything, i never lie.

      lionofman wrote:

      Ok thats sounds fun ^^

      so the first question goes like this:
      "What is the answer to this question?" And thats it!

      Now, we'll just wait for answers! :O *giggles*

      the answer to this question has got to be nothing else but the answer. if the answer to this question were anything different then the answer to this question, then this foreign answer would not be the answer to this question, now would it?(;