once you go black you can never go back

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    • once you go black you can never go back

      hey i'm just curious about what everyone thinks of this. i gotta admit i'm starting to believe it i mean i'm a 19yr old bachelor and i like to think of myself as a nice guy.
      anyways i've been single for like 8months and since then i've been tryna find myself a decent girl to date but damn the only one who seem interested are the ones who my other black friends have thrown around..if you know what i mean. anyways i live in a pretty white city. no offence intended.
      so there aren't many foreign girls around. all i wana do is find a girl who none of my black friends know and who has never been with a black guy..it's not that i hold any negative feelings towards my kind or anything of the sort but, do you females out there fear going out with a black dude?

      And to the dudes who read this, what do u think of girls who date only black guys.....in my experience most of them are usually sluts.

      why can't a brother find an honest girl who isn't out to find truth behind the myth about black dick?:lolz:
      goodbye teen forums..heh despite the assholes on here i got some decent help from many of you. :) my thanks.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Silvius ().

    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      the simple fact is, most people dont like dating outside there race, in this day and age you do see it a bit, but for the most part, people are generally attracted to those of the same race.

      My best mate who is Korean was always trying to get a Kiwi (Europeon) girlfriend and he has always had a hell of a time, even though he talks like a true kiwi and stuff, still just because he is asian generally they wont and the only girls that like him are other korean girls.

      BUT, you still see quite a bit of it, even here, im sure your just not looking in the right places, so maybe just try to expand your group of friends and meet new girls and see what happens
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      lol i thought that i wasn't looking in the right places...but i wasn't sure if that would change anything...hmm maybe going to libraries and church was such a bad idea after all.
      goodbye teen forums..heh despite the assholes on here i got some decent help from many of you. :) my thanks.
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      lol ooh jeeze, now that i know u guys r thinking the same thing that i am its kinda depressing...not only that but i find that white girls look down on most black guys because of how they dress..i mean i cut out the dressing up as a gangsta thing when i was 14 and i started out with a new style. jeans and a t-shirt that fit and leather jackets.
      hell i even took up playing guitar so that chicks whould see that i'm different and for a while after that i kept getting intrested glances.

      i mean here i was the only black guy in the school who wasn't walking around with Xl g-unit shirts, a bandanna hanging outa my ass with my pants down to my knees...chicks were impressed by the leather jacket and affliction shirts. not to mention my guitar case strapped across my back walking down the hallways hands in my pocket.
      after a while i forgot why i started playing guitar and i stopped being a poser because the style actually grew on me.
      girls went crazy... none of them actively approached me but i didnt miss the intrested glaces in the hallway and i did date a few babes who didn't think about sex all the time, but damn now i graduated and taking some time off before college its bloody impossible to find a decent girl...i mean the bar became my play ground and i think thats y.
      goodbye teen forums..heh despite the assholes on here i got some decent help from many of you. :) my thanks.
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      yeah, your style kinda sounds like Agent Sam Hanna from NCIS LA haha


      LL cool J haha

      anyways, yeah I think thats good, just try going to different places and meeting lots of new people, im sure you will meet a few good girls eventually, but I do see the situation you are in
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      And to the dudes who read this, what do u think of girls who date only black guys.....in my experience most of them are usually sluts.

      I've seen a lot of girls who look past color and all that, but yeah yo, there are plenty of chicks that I know who look at black men as sexual objects and sexual conquests. Maybe it's because there are plenty of testosterone fueled black guys who are also looking at them as sexual objects as well, and because of various social factors.

      I've seen girls fawned after by black guys who want to be more than friends, but the girls always seem to be only interested in them because they can say that they've got "black friends", just like they love finding gay guys to be friends with

      that being said, there are girls who aren't as vain, just let things flow naturally, usually the girls that are down to earth and legit are the ones that are the best from my experience, and this goes for any kind of relationship, interracial or not yo
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      i hear ya prophet. thats the type of girl i wana find. a girl who doesnt give a damn about your skin color, who isn't looking to fuck a black guy just so she can tell her friends, "ye i've been with a black dude" you know like you said. the down to earth type who doesnt judge and doesnt limit herself to only one race...damn i need a Juliet. haha
      goodbye teen forums..heh despite the assholes on here i got some decent help from many of you. :) my thanks.
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      Man I feel you both @Silvius and @Prophet. I'm technically foreign, but all around black on the outside. I think society is at least changing from way back when. I have few friends I know who have themselves nice women who our different races and not just the white scope.

      I always have my friends saying 'why can't you stay with your kind?' and I'm like Ive had enough. Im decent to my understanding that I treat all girl equally, but sometimes I feel different around them if you know what i mean.

      Im black and love rock, hate rap. I love black girls, but also all others (probably more).

      Back on topic: I think its the way society is going to look at you guys if you do go on dating.
      [COLOR="Red"]You're a man in the highest category of Moron.[/COLOR]
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      I know a few decent white girls that have gone after black males (very few seeing as I'm in Ireland and we barely have any black-descent folks) but it's out there as for myself I try to get with mixed girls once even a black girl I knew and it's also a task, the only females I ever seem to attract are white females. Go figure :p

      [SIZE=2]He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.[/SIZE]
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      yep, it's true then. not only that but only over weight white women seem to be interested in black men...reasons...i have no idea, every now and then i would be walking through the mall with black/white friends and we see a tiny skinny african dude walking with a girl atleast 5 times his weight.

      now this is usually subject to humor among any race of friends. my black friends would say something like:
      "hahahah damn man i wonder how many locks that brutha has on his fridge."

      and my white friends.

      "dude how do they....hahahah"

      sometimes i find it depressing because there is only one reason i can think of as to why majority of black dudes end up with fat chicks (no offence intended)

      and thats because white men don't look at fat white girls and skinny/in shape/decent white girls don't look at black men so we are forced to get what we can.

      that being said i have no intention of giving up my search for a decent girl who is not of my race.
      goodbye teen forums..heh despite the assholes on here i got some decent help from many of you. :) my thanks.
    • Re: once you go black you can never go back

      Silvius wrote:

      And to the dudes who read this, what do u think of girls who date only black guys.....in my experience most of them are usually sluts.

      No kidding. I live in a dorm. My neighbours are both black wide receivers and every weekend I see about 4 trash white girls walk out of their room with barely anything on. I really do give you lots of respect for being different than them.

      Anyway, I am sure there are plenty of ladies out there for you. Are you going to university anytime soon? There will likely be lots there, however if you feel the need to be cautious about the 'sluts' and since you are going for relationship, do the gentleman thing and date them for awhile before anything sexual. Also, where you pick up the girls can tell you so much about her. You might not get to see as many ladies if you are looking for them at libraries/walking about/living near than if you were to search during parties, but the initial meetings/thoughts really do drive the relationship in a certain direction.