Should I put more trust in my boyfriend?

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    • Should I put more trust in my boyfriend?

      I first met my boyfriend about last January online in a city that I was new to
      After meeting him in person I really had no interest in pursuing him, however I hadn't been with a lot of guys (but more girls) and had never had sex with a guy (but had with girls).
      We started making out on our date and things got a little heavy. He told me that he did not want to have sex on our first date.
      For whatever reason I told him that night that I had never had sex with a guy. He was the first boy I was comfortable telling this to for whatever reason.
      So, I decided to see him again with only the intention of having sex with a boy for the first time (I figured I might as well).
      Over the next couple of weeks he asked to see me exclusively a couple of times which I always rejected.
      Something happened and we stopped talking for about a week and a half...
      I accepted partial responsibility for this but considered this more of a sign that he did not want to pursue me any further. Which kinda hurt but was fine.
      After about a week and a half however he called me and apologized. He made excuses. Admitted that he was dating another girl who 'went psycho'. I got the feeling that that girl thought they were exclusive, that he was 'playing' a couple of girls (atleast myself and this other girl).
      I saw him once more with the intention of 'getting back' at him. This time when he called again I would ignore him.
      I did for a while but eventually I gave in and started having sex with him for a couple of months before I went home for four months in the summer.
      He decided he was going to keep in contact with me in the summer and said that he wanted me to be his girlfriend when I got back. He did. I was flattered. I knew we were both seeing other people but again I think the girl he was seeing thought they were exclusive, although he was talking to me often in a more than platonic way...
      When I got back in the fall we started dating.
      We are very interested in threesomes, (or I was before him), and we have engaged in a couple.
      In October he met a girl (age 16, he is 20) that was apparently interested. I said I was uninterested solely on the basis of her age and the fact that she was his 14 year old sisters friend.
      His sister soon told me, however, that he had continued talking to her, obviously in a flirtatious and sexual way and even said that he would take her out on a date.
      I confronted him. We broke up. He drove over to my house to say that he had broken contact with her and still wanted me. I gave him another chance.
      It's been a couple months since the incidence and he seems to think that we are getting fairly serious. He wants to come across Canada to meet my family for xmas. I think I'm kind of freaking out about this.
      Also, because of the above history, I'm increasingly nervous that he is cheating on me or will cheat on me. He flirts with girls on facebook, especially with another young(!) girl that was 'interested' in hooking up with us.
      Please note that this is my first relationship, especially with a boy.
    • Re: Should I put more trust in my boyfriend?

      this boy seems like he's Mormon (no jokes) so be wary. Even if he isnt then he sounds like the kind of guy who is in the relationship for the sex, simply put. If you have feelings for him then he will end up hurting you, if you dont then dump him and move on, its the best way to avoid him constantly cheating on you which seems like its about to happen
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