Need to break the ice.

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    • Need to break the ice.

      You know how you get family friends, your parents have friends, they have kids your age, and you have to put up with them at social events? Yeah.
      Okay so me and him (lets call him tom). We’ve known each other about 5 years, but only been friends 2/3...
      He’s a year below me at school, but only really a few mouths younger, tall+dark+handsome, and we have the same overly sarcastic personality.
      Anyway… so far we’ve been on 2 holidays together, lots of parties, and since I saw him at Christmas two years ago, I’ve kinda liked him.
      Between us, there is flirting and Lots of backhanded compliments. He is actually doing DofE with two of my best friends so yeah, he fits in.
      On our last holiday for example, we went to the market and he brought me £18 worth of pick and mix.

      But all the other family friends think we’re together, like when we sit and talk to the other our aged people at the ’gatherings’ (all girls btw) they all become giggling maniacs thinking we’re together. And yes, we do act like it something just for shiz and giggles.

      And a lot of times we just get drunk together and talk for hours, and whenever I’m ill (a lot, low blood pressure) he always looks after me and worries.

      Anyway last week, we were at his sisters 18th, and both git shizfaced. One of his friends (who I had never met before, but had apparently heard a lot about me) was there and he was very drunk too. Anyway, us 3 and his cousins were in the garage talking loads, there was one sofa and chairs, but somehow me and tom ended up on the sofa, me sitting on his lap. There was giggling.
      When the others went to get drinks he wisperd ‘come with me’ and we went outside down the ally by the side of his house, he was about to say something and then his friend came round the corner and chundered… everywhere. So later, he was going to stay at his friends (his house was full of family staying over) as his friend lives near me, so we went back to mine for a bit, and we spent an hour sat in my basement on the sofas with him lying with his head on my chest.
      And also, that night when he said bye was the first time I have EVER had a hug from him. (we’ve sat on each other, I’ve been pinned to sofas and the wall, he’s been tackles a million times, but never a hug or a kiss)

      Anyway, I guess I’m looking for pointers, because I know that if we ‘broke the ice’ then we’d be great together, but I don’t know how to do it seeing as were both really stubborn.
    • Re: Need to break the ice.

      You have broken the ice for friendship it seems a while ago, but now it seems you just broke the ice for an actual relationship. If you've known each other for a while, then you should be comfortable talking to him about your feelings. Just ease into it. The best relationships always start from friendships. :)
    • Re: Need to break the ice.

      Applesandcakes, your boy is definitely the shy type. It is quite obvious from what you are telling us that you both find each other very well. However, if you want to get something done, I think you should take the initiative. Ask him out for dinner, picnic, sport, etc. All it takes is a little bit from you to show that you like him, and he will start actively do the same back. It just seems like he is naive and very shy at the moment, and you have to get him out of that.