Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

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    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Still waiting for her to show up, do you think she is scared to talk to me? Darn, I hope things go well....

      ---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

      Tommeh247 wrote:

      oooh progress! hope the chat goes well. What was your impression?

      Mine? Well, I thought of rejection at first, but maybe there's still a chance...even though I always think I'll be to wait to see...
      People think Brazil is just about carnival, soccer and asses, not true! We also have boobs...
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Yet another follow up, She texted me a little while ago asking if I could get on the msn, but I couldn't as I was out of the house, when I came back, she wasn't on, so I texted her and she said she wouldn't be able to get on the msn for the rest of the day, and we would talk tomorrow.
      Not major news, but I'm just informing u guys, as I'm in a great debt with u all ^^
      People think Brazil is just about carnival, soccer and asses, not true! We also have boobs...
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      aww man what a case of bad timing eh? :P dont beat yourself up about it, but dont get ahead of yourself....just sit on the fence. if you are too neg it might show.
      "I love slippers so much that my wife once jokingly suggested I change my name to Arthur Slippers, how we laughed when I reminded her that it was, in fact, already my name!!"
      - Arthur Slippers.
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Ok, so this may be the final news and my final post: We talked, over msn today, I told her how I felt and stuff...and she doesn´t love me back, she said she likes me but only as her bestfriend and that she really is into that other boy and that they already had a "story" and stuff...I don´t know what to do guys...I have to get over her but how? She IS the one, I´ve liked other girls before, but not the way I like her. I know it´s real, at least for me...oh well, at least I tried right? =(
      But thank you all for helping in my way, I´m in debt
      People think Brazil is just about carnival, soccer and asses, not true! We also have boobs...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by irishkappa208 ().

    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Awww man im sorry, that sucks. I know how you feel. Sadly only time will help you get over her, just dont make the same mistake I did, respect her decision. You will never forgive yourself otherwise. You may think now that she is "THE ONE" and I thought the same quite frankly, we all do when we experience love for the first time. We think that we will never feel the same about another person, trust me though, it passes, ive gone through it and come out the other side, after a few months you will feel alot better about everything. But at least you can hold your head up high and say that you put yourself out there, you can use what you learned in future relationships. Trust me, you will meet someone soon, and that person will be able to love you as much as you will love her.
      Just have patience man, it will get easier in time. If you ever need to talk feel free to pm me. Good luck
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      aaahhh no good. :/ sorry to hear that dude, but hey, are you that beat down by it or just a lil disappointed? girls can seem pretty amazing sometimes, but trust will never know 'the one' untill youve spent your lives together...the future is too unpredictable for such finalities.

      My advice to you now; take it on the chin, proccupy your mind with hobbies or whatever...just try your hardest not to sit about cause thats when the blues start creeping up on ya! Go and hang out with your friends, keep talking to her but for now dont hang out quite as much (you need to try and let things simmer down).

      Oh and can be hard to do but try not to dwell on her...cause then you draw up conclusions and such and it can make you get angry over theoretical situations and then the bitterness creeps in, etc.

      Basically just keep it cool, dont let youreself get too upset, dont beat yourself up and get on...youll bounce back in no time.
      "I love slippers so much that my wife once jokingly suggested I change my name to Arthur Slippers, how we laughed when I reminded her that it was, in fact, already my name!!"
      - Arthur Slippers.
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Arrghhh, i was reading down and was so glad that it was sounding well. And totally sorry that it didn't turn out the way it was looking like it would. At least she understands the situation. Don't let your feelings grow for her because then things might turn bad. Give it some time and try talking to some other girls and see if you like any of them.

      I used to like a girl for a while, then i moved away for a year and came back to where i used to live. And when i came back i was sort of into a different girl (and unfortunately still am)

      Good luck with the journey ahead :)
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Hey guys, sorry I took some time to reply...I had much to think about, but I still have no answer, I'm still sad and angry but...oh well, gotta carry on right? hahaha, thanxs for all the help =)
      People think Brazil is just about carnival, soccer and asses, not true! We also have boobs...