suicide. should i end it?

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    • suicide. should i end it?

      im just sitting here crying everyday my parents yells at me every day... they scream at each other and im just thinking about suiciding i have been thinking alot about it im thinking that if i suicide i would end all my pain and my life would just be gone and i could rest peacefully... but i also think it would "close alot of doors" if you know what i mean.. i just dont know what to do anymore... and i dont really like talking about it and i cant talk about it with my friends.. dont ask why
    • Re: suicide. should i end it?

      Don't do it.
      Please don't.

      What's happening won't go on forever. Just focus on the future, and the good things you already have in your life.
      If the problem is with your parents, then you shouldn't feel bad about it at all. They are fighting amongst themselves, and they are doing something very wrong by taking it out on you. But still, it's about them, so there's nothing you can do except go on with your life.

      You don't want to do it, trust me.
      When you really face a risk of your life being taken from you, you'll know what I mean. Just breathe, and be happy. Turn all the bad things into something good, or just ignore them. Life is 20% what happens to you, and 80% how you react to it.
    • Re: suicide. should i end it?

      Heya hun :)

      Feeling like this is never good, and even though not everyone will see it, you have your reasons, some of which you stated in your post. But trust me when I say suicide is not the answer - everything ends at some point, including bad things. Everything is in a constant cycle; everything has a beginning, middle and end, and depression, arguments, family issues, whatever - they're no different.

      First thing's first, attempt to reason with your parents. Just try it occasionally, and see what happens. If it goes wrong, then okay, at least you tried, and you'll know it's time to move on to something else. Talk to a counsellor - they have them in schools or you can find contacts to counsellors who can help outside of the school if you wish. You don't seem to want to tell your friends, which is fair, but you need to tell someone. Family members perhaps?

      Suicide is never the answer. Hun, I've been through a lot in my life. I was born into hate, I lived with nothing to actually give me happiness, around bad people - but I didn't end it. I went and FOUND happiness, and set things straight, and things went well. I travelled across Western Russia and found my grandfather; I went through Hell on Earth to do it, but I did, and I swear that it was worth it to find that happiness. It's always worth it.

      Life is long, no matter what anybody thinks, and you should make the most of it instead of ending it. You have many years ahead to change the way of things, and you WILL succeed if you keep trying. Just persevere for now, try to set things straight, and if they don't work out, then just wait, and in the end, you'll find that they've gone on their own.
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: suicide. should i end it?

      Killing yourself might end your pain but what about your family? They are already fighting. with a death of a loved one they would fight even more. And sometimes life has its horrible ugly moments. I would find something that you like to do or a personal reachable realistic goal and go for it. That way you focus all your negative energy on achieving something and it ends up good.
    • Re: suicide. should i end it?

      Killin yourself is a sign of weakness. No one should be weak, its not worth it. Continue your life, be grateful for the small moments of happiness of everyday. You should talk to your parents and talk to them about how you feel (maybe not about suicidal) tell them you feel about the problems in your life and about them. Suicidal is never a way of escaping. In life there is no ethernal problem as well as there is no ethernal happy moment. You are the one who makes your future don't destroy it :)
    • Re: suicide. should i end it?

      sometimes it doesn't get better. some people suffer from manic depression their whole lives

      i do recommend talking to someone at school for help and taking anti depressants. they may make your mind hazy and make it harder to think but it's better than death
    • Re: suicide. should i end it?

      My uncle commited suicide, and to be honest.... If i was him i would have done it myself. But his life was extremely bad and NOTHING was in a little way okay. But he had a really good reason to end his pain because he simply couldn't help himself.

      For you, i don't see anything anyway near as bad as what he went through. And you probably can help yourself. You have options to pick and i don't think suicide is the right one for you.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]