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    • Ok right so i am now a 16yr old male and my room mate at school who is like 9 months younger than me is not a virgin and i am!! so basically there is another bi guy at my school and like i really really want to be "out" as i am simply seriously bored of not being "out" but i dunno how people will react. i have one mate who curses, and i quote "faggots" every day and like i dont want to lose him as a mate. i have also like sworn to people that i am not gay/ bi and am perfectly straight. as well as this i have been seriously hippocritical and sed like i hate gays and eww ur gay as jokes to people to cover myself upbut like i think that will also go against me. finally my mums going thru her second divorce annd i dont wana like upset her or nothing at the mo if she takes me being bi the wrong way. sorry for long questiony thingy but please can sum 1 help im really confused about waht to do!!
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    • ^ this.

      Though after a while your parents would understand. To be honest, I would wait until you are clear of high school and are 18 before you come out. At that stage, most people you talk to will be more mature and you understand where your life is going. Your parents would also be more accepting at such an age.

      I know the legal age of consent for homosexual sex in our country is 18, not sure about yours. I waited until that hurdle was passed before I told anyone.