Tired of my life

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    • Tired of my life

      Im so damn tired of my life. Its always the same crap every day, wake up, go to school, come home, sit in front of the computer, go to sleep. I have no social life whatsoever, not a single friend. I get made fun of and people throw things at me when I haven't even talked to anyone. Its always been this way for me, no friends and no life just sitting at the computer all day Iv tried making friends but no one seems to even be seen with me.

      But I do have a good life at home, my parents love me and treat me good(I admit I was a bit spoiled as a young child) and that's about the only good thing in my life, I cant even do good in school I just don't feel motivated at all. Every day I keep asking myself "whats the point of life?" Why should I work my ass off at school and then a job when I'll still eventually die? One of these days im going to lose it with the bullying and I feel ill do something very violent when I do, yet I want it to happen. Im so tired of everything I welcome change, good or bad. I know its wrong to feel this way but my life just makes me depressed

      My apologies if this is the wrong section to put this in
    • Re: Tired of my life

      Here's a little something I learned: Social lives are over rated, people aren't like you expect them to be, and it's more of a hassle than fun.

      As for bullying, I was a victim myself, and one thing I did wrong was not saying anything, sure, they may hit you more after they find out you told on them, but you should keep telling, or settle matters with your own hands(making you go down to their level) do you talk to your parents about the bullying? I know how much it sucks, try to get that dealt with.
    • Re: Tired of my life

      to be honest. everyone goes through this. when your in school, life can seem isolated and like your doing the same thing everyday. i am kind if in that situation now. its different for everyone though. i have more of a life with my friends then my family and you are the other way around
      i have come to terms with that when i get out of school, and my routine is dramatically changed, i will feel different. you will either start work or go to collage after school and you WILL make friends. friends are not something you can work for, friends are something that finds you. join some clubs of your intrest or take up a hobby or a part time job to speed up the process but dont force it.

      life will get better, you will just have to be patient and wait till it does.

    • Re: Tired of my life

      I once gave up on everything. Life sucked even more! You just have to wait out the boring part. Do something productive. Even if you suck in school, you are a hotshot in something else. Every single human being in the world has a talent of his/her own. You cant think that life gets over when you die in an old age home. You die mentally now, you'll be dead forever to everyone. If your having trouble socializing with people at least try hanging out with them. Try hanging out with almost everyone you meet! Get a crush! It makes some sense sometimes to make life exciting when you see her! Do something dude! Don't sit and look at the screen!
      What if you become some music superstar tomorrow? I need you to thank me when you get a grammy right? :P. Atleast an autograph from future ______? :P.
    • Re: Tired of my life

      Dude, you gotta try to talk to more people. Make friends. When I was in 9th grade, I was the same way. When I started to talk to people, I eventually made friends who were into video games like me and we eventually started hanging out and going to game/anime conventions with each others. We may be nerds, but we had fun doing it. We were cool with everyone in the school and when we talked to some of them, we become friends. Gotta stretch outside your boundaries dude.
    • Re: Tired of my life

      Well, the first thing you obviously need to do is get a social life. Get some friends, seriously. Not having friends is really... unhealthy. If you feel that you're shy you need to move past that.

      Depending on the severity of the bullying, I recommend you man up :P Don't take crap from them. If it's just name-calling i'd probably say brush it off unless you feel that it's too much. If it's physical, you'd be surprised what one punch to the jaw would do to stop bullying :)

      In summary: man up, don't be a social retard, and live your life :D
    • Re: Tired of my life

      Fuck people to be completely honest.
      Friends are there to pretty much screw you over most of the time.
      Until you can find someone you really truly can put your trust in, that is.

      Social lives on the other hand?
      Just be who you want to be, and hang out with who you want to hang out with.
      Making friends isn't easy, but focus on finding at least ONE specific friend.
      Quality not quantity.
    • Re: Tired of my life

      Samijuana wrote:

      Fuck people to be completely honest.
      Friends are there to pretty much screw you over most of the time.
      Until you can find someone you really truly can put your trust in, that is.

      Social lives on the other hand?
      Just be who you want to be, and hang out with who you want to hang out with.
      Making friends isn't easy, but focus on finding at least ONE specific friend.
      Quality not quantity.

      I completely disagree. Loneliness harbors depression. This may not be the case for everyone, but if you pull the "fuck people" attitude, chances are you will fall into depression. You need friends to fall back on. On weekends, go to parties, hook up with girls, problem solved.
    • Re: Tired of my life

      Nah I'm not saying completely avoid people... just the wrong ones.
      It also doesn't help opening up and trusting people only to get find out they weren't your friends in the first place.
      Sociologically, yes, we need people to pretty much be happy.

      That is the social scene I was about to mention that is completely overrated: parties, hookups. Maybe he isn't that type of guy.