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    • Okay so I was talking with my cousin yesterday and somehow we got on the subject of fainting. When I started listing off all the times I’ve fainted in the past she looked at me worried and said that’s no good.

      But I’m sure she’s just over reacting, I only listed five times, and they were pretty spread out.

      I mean I do tend to get light headed and dizzy easily sometimes but I haven’t in a while (like 3-6 months?) and I’ll admit I’ve had a few almost faints and scares but I never really thought much of it.

      I ran blood test back in May and they never contacted me with anything so I guess they didn’t find anything.

      Should I be concerned about this? And push my doctor to see what’s going on?
      "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by KyouMonster:O ().

    • Re: Fainting

      Mysterious Stranger wrote:

      What's your height, weight and age? Physical fitness level? Diet?

      It what were you doing each time you fainted? Knowing these things will give us a lot better insight into possible causes.

      um idk my physical fitness level
      i don't eat breakfast, but besides that i have a normal diet

      the first time i faint I was only 9 and was dehydrated
      the second time i was maybe 11 and I was totally fine, I was in class praying when I just passed out.
      thrid time I 13 and it was really hot and stuffy in church.
      the forth and fifth time(age 16 - 17) it just came out of nowhere, I'd be talking to a friend and get light headed or I'd get up from sitting down and get really dizzy.

      even though I haven't fainted since i was 17, i still get dizzy and weak at random times (and I do eat and drink water so it's not like i don't have energy) or even light headed, but when that happens I usually just sit/lay down and wait it out while breathing deeply.
      "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you."
    • Re: Fainting

      Well then I admit I'm a bit stumped. Your weight seems fine and if you do indeed eat enough and don't lack energy like you claim then I would guess your body lacks some essential nutrients because of a condition but since you got a blood test that covers that...

      Find out your resting heart rate for me please. And did they measure your blood pressure during the blood test? And what I meant by fitness level is how frequently and intensely you exercise.
    • Re: Fainting

      KyouMonster:O wrote:

      Oh okay i see. Well I'm not big on the exercise, and i don't play any sport to keep in shape. But i do walk an hour every day if that counts any.

      You should seek the advice of an expert regarding this since at this point I'm just guessing, but I'd think that increasing your physical activity would help combat becoming light headed. I'll ask again, what's your resting heart rate and did the blood test also tell you your blood pressure?
    • Re: Fainting

      my resting heart rate is 60 (i did it myself so idk if its all that accurate), and after i did the blood test they never contacted me back to tell me if they found anything wrong or even if i was fine o_o so im gonna assume i don't have high blood pressure but yeah since they didn't contact me im assuming nothings wrong
      "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you."
    • Re: Fainting

      I've had the same problem. There have been a good number of times where I have fainted. Around two months ago, I was getting ready to walk down the stairs and felt extremely dizzy, and I passed out for 5 seconds and fell down the stairs. Numerous occasions of fainting has happened to me, all spread out like you have also implied about yourself. It is quite weird.
    • Re: Fainting

      KyouMonster:O wrote:

      Okay so I was talking with my cousin yesterday and somehow we got on the subject of fainting. When I started listing off all the times I’ve fainted in the past she looked at me worried and said that’s no good.

      But I’m sure she’s just over reacting, I only listed five times, and they were pretty spread out.

      I mean I do tend to get light headed and dizzy easily sometimes but I haven’t in a while (like 3-6 months?) and I’ll admit I’ve had a few almost faints and scares but I never really thought much of it.

      I ran blood test back in May and they never contacted me with anything so I guess they didn’t find anything.

      Should I be concerned about this? And push my doctor to see what’s going on?

      I've passed out about twice in my life. You get really light headed, drop to the floor, and then wake up and are like what the fuckkk.

      Make sure you drink lots of water.
      Sometimes dehydration plays a REALLY big factor.
    • Re: Fainting

      Fashion wrote:

      If you're well hydrated and eat well etc, and then you're feeling the same, contact the doctor again

      This. I get awful head rushes when I don't drink enough water, especially when it's hot out or I've been sitting/standing still for a while and then move too fast. Hydration is huge.

      If you drink lots of water, it could be a nutrient deficiency. Consider eating breakfast, too. (Nutrient deficiency or not, it's still a great thing to do :) )

      When they take your blood, they don't test for everything, that'd be too expensive. If you haven't felt anything in a few months it's probably not a big deal. But if you're concerned, see your doctor again. If they're concerned, they'll order more comprehensive blood tests.