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    • Again I've posted at least 3 threads about me wanting to "harm" myself I some way.
      Now I've actually done it.
      I burn myself.
      I've told 3 friends, one yelled, one cried an one didn't talk.
      (this was about a month ago wen it all startd) now, the one who yelled, is not really my friend anymore, she talks about me behind my back an so I'm jus done with her, which is for the best. the one who cried Is still my bestest friend, she doesn't understand (she literly said that) which I didn't expect her to.
      the one who didn't say anything at all I'm very distant to now.
      Well since I don't get much help from them I told 3 more, one yelled, one was disapointed, an one flipped out. the one who yelled now notices when I do an questions me about it, it's not like I get mad at her, I jus wish she would jus leave it at something small like saying, jus stop or something.
      the other two were guys so I thought they would be easier on me, they were but they still don't understand. I jus don't know, I just want someone who understands but then again will help me accept that things happen...

      Long story short, I burn myself to burn away feelings.. I have serious anger issues, an I can't control it, but to me, when I burn myself it helps control it.
      my question here is, should I stop completly an be a complete b***h (like usual) or keep doing it an not give a f**k about what anyone says because it's helping me jus as much as it's hurting me...
      [COLOR="Sienna"]Tale as Old as Time, [/COLOR]
      [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Song as Old as Rhyme,[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Yellow"]Beauty and the Beast[/COLOR]:lovey:
    • Re: Burning

      My friends know that i cut, and they do make it like a question time session on the subject of me doing it.

      They fail to understand that i like the feeling and that i feel very little pain from it. They just end up calling me crazy anyway. I only do it every now and again though, when i really feel like it. And i like picking at my scars :D
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Burning

      hmm i understand why you do it, but maybe others are getting the wrong impression when you tell them. i mean, since you have such an easy time telling people about your self harm, it may come off to them like you just want attention. and you gotta make sure thats not the reason your doing it, or i mean i f it is too. i guess what im trying to say is make sure you really know the reasons behind why your hurting yourself so you can begin to get better from it.

      but also, ive thought the same way as you before, like what kind of harm is hurting yourself actually doing, like it seems to be helping more than hurting so why stop? is that what youre thinking? and i dont know the answer to that either