Dare to live!!!

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    • Dare to live!!!

      Hy hy...

      I'm a novelist, 'though my novel not yet published, he he:D

      You know what...I've been rejected more than 1000 times by agents/agencies, publishers, and production companies.

      but I will never give up...

      sometimes I feel depressed, stressful, but I always read positive books:
      -Dare to Live by me(he he:D, that's my novel)
      -The Magic of thinking big by David J. Schwartz
      -Dare to Fail by Billi P.S. Lim
      -Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
      -Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

      I always feel up and motivated to continue trying after read those books.
      Hope you also feel the same...DARE TO LIVE!!!

      Thank you very much

      NB: check out my vids on You Tube:
      please type "Krizpy United/Dare to Live"
      there are about 23 vids I've mada...
      Hope you feel entertained