I trusted her! My own family! (Long one SORRY!!!)

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    • I trusted her! My own family! (Long one SORRY!!!)

      When I started school (age 4) my parents worked full time so my Mum asked her sister to look after me who said with no problems. OK so when you're a child little things bother you, like name calling, petty things keeping in mind I was four she used to make me cry by calling me names and she laughed and seemed to enjoy it, and when it was meal times when I didn't want to eat she'd say things to make me feel rubbish like
      "I've spent a long time making that, are you going to throw it away? That's rude"
      "Don't throw it away I spent ages making that be good eat it"
      I couldn't leave unless I'd eaten and then I had to eat what her children had left.
      I used to go home feeling ill and I'd be sick a lot to, we didn't know until I was 11 that she'd drip orange juice onto my food which I was alergic to and she knew that because she'd brag to other family members.
      She used to take head lice from her childrens hair and put them in mine, I don't know why! She made me eat and then have her children call me for my weight and she made me feel so small my confidence hit the floor and I hated myself up until a year ago, when I was 11 and everyone found out she moved away taking the cousins who I concidered my sibblings, she ran away from what she did, I can't! I can't get her out of my head and she's in my mind I've lost the weight but the memories are there and she's ruined me, I feel broken and I don't understand why she hated me, does anyone have any advice on I can get her out of my head and out of my mind forever?
    • Re: I trusted her! My own family! (Long one SORRY!!!)

      The first thing is just to understand that there are people in this world who are truly evil. Your aunt was a horrible person and while you had to deal with the kind of person she is for seven years, she has to deal with the kind of person she is for her entire life. Maybe you should look at it from a different perspective. She was trying to make you feel as worthless and insignificant as possible, if you DO feel worthless and insignificant over this, then she has won. OR, you can decide right now that she's not going to beat you, that you are going to rise above this and be all the things that she was certain you wouldn't. Maybe that's just how you need to look at it, as though every day is a conversation to just stick it to her. Every day you don't allow her to get to you is a big 'fuck you' to her.
    • Re: I trusted her! My own family! (Long one SORRY!!!)

      Jenna wrote:

      The first thing is just to understand that there are people in this world who are truly evil. Your aunt was a horrible person and while you had to deal with the kind of person she is for seven years, she has to deal with the kind of person she is for her entire life. Maybe you should look at it from a different perspective. She was trying to make you feel as worthless and insignificant as possible, if you DO feel worthless and insignificant over this, then she has won. OR, you can decide right now that she's not going to beat you, that you are going to rise above this and be all the things that she was certain you wouldn't. Maybe that's just how you need to look at it, as though every day is a conversation to just stick it to her. Every day you don't allow her to get to you is a big 'fuck you' to her.

      I agree 100%
      This experience, though horrible, made you a stronger person. Your aunt was horrible, and you have to ignore her. Whatever experience molded her the way she is, must be a really sad one. But you can't let her mold you into someone you are not. The best way to feel better, and make her feel like shit, is overcome what she did to you. Be the best you can be, and she will have lost. Make her feel pathetic, as her attempt to hurt you failed, and made you a stronger and better person.