My Friends :(

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    • My Friends :(

      Hello im not use to asking the internet for advice but lately i have to best friends and lately they have been hang inout with this chick who is also my friend but im not sure if she likes me as much as a normal friend would because she is always doing thing with my 2 best friend like going into the city and i never get invited to these thing and im getting invited to less and less things by my friends and i was wondering if some one could help me become a better friend i don tknow whats wrong im 16 im not annoying at least i dont think so im not nosey im a goood friend i keep secrets when i need to and i help people as much as i can but sometimes the chick thinks im annoying and so does one of my best friend but they only think that im annoying sometimes i wish every thing would go back to normal when i always had fun with them, i wanna know how i can get things back to normal i really need help ive kinda been depressed knowing that they try and hide these things that they do with me from me its makes me feel really bad i don't know whats wrong with me but i really want help can you please give me advice to make my friends like me better again thank you for any help.

    • Re: My Friends :(

      This is actually a pretty common thing.

      A and B are friend, their whole friendship is balanced and everything is fine. Then C comes and breaks that balance by choosing a side(let's say B) and showing B 'new things'.

      This happened to me and my best friend(for twelve years). About four or five years ago a C person came and broke our balance, I was B in this situation and he was A.
      C was never able to break our friendship because me and A have a chemistry impossible to explain.

      In the end C left our lives.

      I would recomend you to talk to your friend. Tell him that you are saddened by the fact that when this chick is around he treats you different and such.