How Should I Handle My Principle?

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    • How Should I Handle My Principle? I was heading out of the academic wing of my school today. I was on my phone talking to my mom, and it was passing period so I wasn't in a class. As I was walking out of the academic wing and into the locker hallway, the principle grabbed my wrists forcefully and scolded me for being on my phone in the academic wing. I proceeded to sass her back saying I use it as a calculator (which I do, as well as a note taker and a periodic table for my various classes) and that I was making an important call about rescheduling an appointment.

      Cell phones are not allowed in the school now that break is over (they were before though). The principle then took my cell phone away from me (as I'm trying to tell my mother what's happening) and I had to literally pry her fingers off of it so I could hang up and get it back. Cell phones are allowed in the locker hallways so I was justified in this action.

      The altercation then flared up and as she was asking me if it's a calculator why it was talking to me, I said that's because it's one she could never afford and then she lost it. She started yelling and saying that I'm irresponsible and not a good student and that I can't take my phone back and that she would get me for what I did. I told her that my call was important and that if she touched me one more time I would make her life a living hell and I would do my best to end her career. It ended with her yelling that I would be unsuccessful and wouldn't go anywhere in life and with my telling her that she is a f***ing b***h loudly for the whole of the student body to hear. Of course I was angry, I felt violated and extremely angry that she could do this WHILE SHE WAS TEXTING HER HUSBAND RIGHT BEFORE ALL OF THIS. And I will admit I have always had problems with authority(especially hypocritical ones like her).

      Was I justified in my actions or was I out of line?

      How should I handle this, I have decided to go to our Superintendent about the touching me because it's not the first time she has grabbed someone forcefully like that and it's obviously illegal.

      There isn't any evidence of the grabbing except for a little bruise that probably wouldn't be anything to work for me. Although, there was a teacher and another student watching the whole thing I believe.

      I am the only one willing to stand up for myself but I'm not sure if I was doing the right thing. The new rules of cell phone use weren't read to us so I obviously didn't know. I don't feel bad but I need to know what to say in my meeting with the Super and her tomorrow. It's very important to our school because she isn't the 'greatest' principle ever but nobody stands up to her.

      Anyways, sorry for the tangents and stuff I just wanted to explain everything.

      Yumm, Abercrombie Abs. They are so perfect.:D
    • Re: How Should I Handle My Principle?

      I agree, she acted in the wrong way, but calling her names isn't gonna help, the best way to get back at someone is with revenge. I'm not sure what they'll do since you said what you said, they might just brush it off. I agree about the cell phones, they shouldn't be able to use theirs if students can't. Talk to your parents about how physical it is and how she made you uncomfortable. It will be amazing the change in your principle's attitude :lol:
      [FONT="System"][SIZE="4"]I find it funny that thing that built me up,
      is the same thing that broke me down.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    • Re: How Should I Handle My Principle?

      I know the little name thing was bad but that last thing really pissed me off cause I get really good grades and all. And she's a TOTAL hypocrite! I hate it too. My mom heard it all so she called me back during my 5th hour and asked about it and then called the super and je got a slight scolding for the way she handled it but the big thing happens tomorrow with her myself and our super. I'm nervous but excited, it's gonna be a BIG blotch on her record and light finally be the thing that starts people complaining.

      Yumm, Abercrombie Abs. They are so perfect.:D
    • Re: How Should I Handle My Principle?

      It has kinda of turned out in a weird way. I am writing a letter to our school board explaining the incident in complete honesty, even outlined the wrong move I did. It will be opened by them next week in a meeting and the incident will be brought up to them. Instead of something radical like I wanted I have decided to handle it in a more mature way. Thanks everyone!

      Yumm, Abercrombie Abs. They are so perfect.:D