Gained weight

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    • Gained weight

      I'm a 17 year old canadian girl who just recently started to gain weight - all my life i've been relatively skinny but it didn't matter what i ate or whether i exercised until now. It started to get really noticeable now, while i am in france living with a family here. I didnt really watch what i ate the first few months and now ive suddenly got fat where i never had it before, like my hips, thighs, tummy, even back and shoulders. It's really uncomfrotable feeling and i don't feel proud of my body anymore. I recently have started watcxhing what i eat more and trying to get out and do exercise but i am feeling trapped and like i will never get it off. Is it just that i'm maturing because i had my period when i was 12 and its never been regular, and ever since i arrived in france (september) i havent had it but i've been gaining weight and sometimes even my hair thins and falls out. I really want to know if i am just stressed, or if its hormones, or what i should do besides trying to eat less because it doesnt seem to be working.
      i really just want my body back :(
    • Re: Gained weight

      Aw I'm so sorry to hear you're not happy with your body anymore :( I was in the same boat pretty much the whole past year and a 1/2 and I know how horrible it can feel when you lose your self confidence. But from what you've said I would suggest going to a doctor - especially the hair falling out/thinning - that's not good. You might want to get your thyroid tested actually. Hope that helps! And remember, you are still every bit as worthy even with a few extra pounds. Keep your chin up girl!