how can i stop this cow coming to the party?Okay, i'm having a party for my birthday

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    • how can i stop this cow coming to the party?Okay, i'm having a party for my birthday

      Okay, i'm having a party for my birthday in a week or so, about 35ish people, all my good friends, and thats the way i want it, no slaggish tag alongs.
      and this one girl at school, claire, to but it bluntly, shes a cow.
      Bleach blonde, chubby with boobs, hair colour change every month, gets off with EVERY guy, sleeps with every other guy, bitches about everyone, and thinks she's the center of the universe and HAS to cause a scene 24/7.
      Anyway, i didn't invite her, for good reason. but she's decided that she's going to turn up. when i heard this i said i'd shut the door if she came round, and now SHE is having a go at me.
      So what can i say to her to make her not come? without causing a scene, because she's pals with ALL the rough people in the area, and has been known to have them go after people.
      so how'd i get her to NOT come.
      (we're both 15, this is my 16th)(yeah, shes slept with 6 guys, she's 15, not even legal)
    • Re: how can i stop this cow coming to the party?Okay, i'm having a party for my birth

      "Cancel" the party, then just text all the friends that you really want at your party that it really isn't canceled.
      [SIZE=3]Allow me to hold your[/SIZE] [SIZE=1](the ignorant masses and hordes of uncouth)[/SIZE][SIZE=3] face under the putrescent waters of knowledge[/SIZE]
    • Re: how can i stop this cow coming to the party?Okay, i'm having a party for my birth

      Ne0 wrote:

      "Cancel" the party, then just text all the friends that you really want at your party that it really isn't canceled.


      Or just bluntly tell her, she's not invited. Your mom won't allow more than X amount of guests so she can't come, or else you'll get in trouble. It's what I do. Always works for me.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: how can i stop this cow coming to the party?Okay, i'm having a party for my birth

      what if i text her the day before saying:
      'hey everyone (make it look like a mass send), hate to break it to all of you, but my mother found out how many people i'd invited and made me cancel the party, but she's going away in a few weeks so i throw an even bigger one thenxxx' :cool:
      think she'd buy it?
    • Re: how can i stop this cow coming to the party?Okay, i'm having a party for my birth

      I don't agree with being sneaky about it. She found out that you were having a party without you inviting her, so it stands to reason that she's going to figure out your little plan without you telling her too. Then it becomes a competition, you against her, and in the case of this type of person, she is going to make it her mission to be there just because you don't want her to be.

      The better way to get rid of her is to just be blunt about it. Tell her straight out that she's not invited and she's going to get kicked out if she shows up. Booting her ass out of your house might seem like a kind of embarrassing thing for you to have to do, but it will be ten times worse for her. If you tell her that she will be turned away at the door, no questions asked, then it's unlikely she's going to show up. She might SAY she's going to, but faced with the ridicule of getting kicked out, she probably won't if she has any self-respect at all.