I don't know what to do.

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    • I don't know what to do.

      Hey my names Ben and i'm 15. I just need some help cause recently i've really been feeling the affects of some stuff people have been saying.

      I mean, my closest friends don't even seem like friends... they insult me and although i know their kidding it still hurts. I feel like i'm constantly left out, i feel like an outsider. Girls seem to shun me and make me feel like i'm about 5. Just this morning i heard this girl talking about how quiet i am and how i don't say anything.

      This is another problem, i dont know what to say to people, well, girls. It's like its been ages since i've had a proper conversation with a girl. At lunch i just hang out with my friends who are massive c**ks most the time. I'm lost, a girl said to me that my drama character (who is a pretty boring character) is an example of what i'm gunna be like in ten years. It hurts.

      I don't know, i used to have it all, i used to be a friendly kid who could talk to anyone when he wanted, but now i'm scared to talk to people in fear that theres nothing i can talk about.

      And thats the final thing, i don't feel friendly, and overall i feel like a massive c**t.

      Please help. I'm lost.
    • Re: I don't know what to do.

      for one thing don't pay attention to the stuff girls say, for one thing they say that because they are sometimes immature . Perhaps you should acting classes, or just try to open up and talk to girls more. Acting helps you get more comfortable with making conversation anywhere with anyone even under pressure.
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.