Why does he send mixed signals?

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    • Why does he send mixed signals?

      Just under a year ago I met a boy through mutual friends, all my friends are boys and treat me like one of the lads so I just expected him to be like that but i saw him at a friends party and he kept making excuses to talk to me about really random things, he even asked me for a hug and I'd only known him less than a day, at the end of the night he asked for my number and from then on we text each other all day everyday. He told me all these places we should go together and made all these plans of trips we were going to take. I really started to like him so my best friend told me to tell him and when I did he said I'm just a friend I was really upset but I got over it quick because he still texts me everyday and rings me 2 - 3 times a week, he's took me out for a meal more than once and on a surprise picnic, he even brought my favourite food to my house when I was poorly.

      One night when we were out I was going home and he gave me a hug that lasted forever I kissed him on his neck (i'm too short to reach his cheek lol) so he kissed my forehead and let go. He works 8-5 monday through friday and works out in all his free time and still makes time for me no matter what. All our friends and even my mum thinks he really likes me but i'm just confused. We are 18 and 19 by the way :)

      I would love to know what someone who doesn't know us personally thinks, Thanks :)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Soily26 ().

    • Re: Why does he send mixed signals?

      As far as i know (from what friends have told me) he hasn't had a girlfriend for a while and because he said he doesn't like me I didn't feel like it was any of my business to ask. We are both usually quite shy but we're not around each other. I would gladly take it slow but I don't want to wait for something to happen if it isn't going to.
    • Re: Why does he send mixed signals?

      It's hard to say. Maybe it's nothing more than he's not ready for a relationship yet, maybe there's something else going on. This is one of those situations where it's best for you to just ask him what's going on. You can spend days or weeks trying to get inside his head and figure out why he's doing what he's doing, or you can just ask him. If you are calm and just explain what you have said in this thread, it's unlikely he's going to be upset by this, he will probably realize that he IS sending mixed signals and tell you why. Sometimes just being direct about something is the best that you can do.
    • Re: Why does he send mixed signals?

      Well how long has it been since you told him that you liked him and he just said you were a friend? If it's been a few weeks or months its very possible his feelings changed now. That whole kiss thing is sort of obvious that he must feel something???
    • Re: Why does he send mixed signals?

      It has been about 3 months since I told him I liked him so how he feels could changed. I thought the kiss would have been a straight foreword thing but its like it never happened :s

      ---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 AM ----------

      Update: He confuses me so much, He's been training in cage fighting for about a year and his first fight is coming up soon and he's training twice as hard so we have only been speaking like once a week which I don't mind I understand he's busy but he just text me before he went to bed saying he feels really bad the fight has taken priority we'll go out somewhere this weekend :S
      I don't know whether to just ask him whats going on or wait till after his fight when everything is back to normal.
    • Re: Why does he send mixed signals?

      wait till after his fight, as it takes alot up in his mind and he is probably nervious/stressed as it is, its makes you nervious when your training up to a fight, trust me.

      I think you should just enjoy yourselfs and go along to his fight, and then after it, ask him all the questions you want, at a time when your both alone and comfortable :)
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